
Theresa's drawing

PinkWork #7 creation is finally out, hard-copy version is now available at agnes b, 2% APM & tst shops, kubrick ... etc (i hate all hard-copy things, so may take quite a long time to finish it ) ... "Aimlessly" means without any purposes. One day i took a photo of the sky. Another day Theresa (a pop idol in hk ) draw something on it. Another day a young girl "Cheryl" wrote something about it ... why theresa? i've seen her drawings in many magazines before. why cheryl? several months ago i received an email from her, asking me about the "pink" city. The other day i went to her xanga and found she's so interested in writing ... so invited her to join this funny project ...

某一日我拍了一張天空的相片。另一天傅穎在相片上隨意畫了一些東西。另一天一個正在美國讀大學,剛返香港放暑假的女孩子cheryl隨意寫了一些關於這件作品的東西。哈,這就是下期PinkWork創作的主題「漫無目的」(很喜歡這名稱,這也是pinkwork的宗旨﹞。網上版本及印刷版本已出版,在agnes b, 2% apm及尖沙咀店,朗豪坊, cantonyama等等地方有得取 (不知道還有沒有???)。為何是theresa?之前看過很多她在一些雜誌上的作品。為何是cheryl?前陣子上了她的xanga﹝八掛呀﹞發覺她喜歡寫東西,自然找她參與今次非常好玩的創作。好了 ... 勞動﹝設計﹞工作完成了七八成,可以繼續寫虛擬日記 ... (希望可以 ... )

< cheryl