
Ivana Photo by pinkwork

see ... here are some photos of pop singer Ivana Wong. Again I used my "stupid" Holga to take these photos ...  If you can't wait to see/hear Ivana talks about her new album, click Here...   ooh, have to go back to construct our secret place -- "pink message". it's not open yet ...

這又是我用那部「垃圾」Holga拍的王菀之相片。若果想看些正常點的相片,或者直接看看/聽聽王菀之談她的新碟及未來的國語碟,可按這裡。噢,又要去建造那個神秘地方 --pink message 。沒辦法,pinkwork做事一向慢吞吞 ...  特別是聖誕又快來臨 .... 祝大家聖誕新年快樂 ... )

xanga-ivana23 xanga-ivana25 < ivana