
more nonsense pinkwork photo ...

who're they ?? agnes b press manager, a cat in Qiu Hong's band room & stephanie ... she is eating noodle ...

agnes b的宣傳經理 (pinkwork不是傳媒呀), "秋紅" band房內一隻, 鄭融正吃上海麵 ...

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stephanie cheng 's fourth album ...

a pop singer in hk and is known for her upbeat songs & hot dancing on stage. However this time it's her latest love song "red-green light" impressed me ..... .... go to zone b of our pinkwork city, you could hear Stephanie talking more about her coming new album ....

通常是碰到些甚麼得意﹝自己覺得﹞的作品,才會去找原作人做訪問,把他們的「製作經驗」搬進虛擬粉紅城市內 ... 哈 ... 今次是流行歌手鄭融那首新歌「紅綠燈」吸引了我... 她說原本歌詞不是講這個主題的,內容更慘 ... 想知更多stephanie新碟的構思,可以到我們b區,按一按「虛擬雜誌」封面 ... 自己去聽 / 睇吧 ....

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