
pinkwork xanga

don't know why ... though the contents are the same, people prefer my xanga than blogger ???????
哈,xanga (http://www.xanga.com/pinkwork)同這裡也放了同一內容,,,,但不知為何,,,,看xanga的人始終多很多倍....其實...我也喜歡xanga的設計多些....


Stephy drew a poem ... PinkWork #8

Stephy Tang is a pop singer/ actress. MadeleineMarie Slavick is an American poet/writer/photographer. The two ladies have never met but a poem "Winter Tree" written by Madeleine connected them together. In PinkWork #8 (click to hear/see the online version)... you'll see Stephy 's drawing of this poem, an artistic communication between the two artists. Remind all of you again ... and again ... PinkWork is not a magazine or reporting any news .... it's just one of my non-sense artworks ... Hard-copy version is coming ... but as you can imagine, i have to use my cat claws to control the computer mouse, so it'll take some time ...

鄧麗欣跟居港的美國詩人Madeleine沒有見過面,兩人互不相識。不過一首由Madeleine所寫的詩「冬天的樹」卻將兩人連繫一起。今期PinkWork #8可以看見Stephy畫了這篇詩出來,一種透過藝術的交流。﹝按網上版本可以收聽及看兩人的聲音/視頻﹞ 再說一次,PinkWork不是一份報道甚麼新聞的雜誌,只是我貪得意弄出來的一份創作物品 ... 印刷版本將會推出...不過由於我用貓爪控制電腦滑鼠,比較慢...所以須要一點時間 ... Madeleine還送了一本簽名詩集給stephy,但我還未有空拿到她office ... 今次為何找stephy???因為常常有人說她寫的歌詞很抽象 ... 而Madeleine的詩也很抽象呢 ...

xanga-pinkwork#8-6 xanga-pinkwork#8-3 xanga-pinkwork#8-2 < madeleine & stephy

xanga-pinkwork#8-1 xanga-pinkwork#8-7 < stephy 's drawing, 靚唔靓呀?


stephy tang photo by holga ... pinkwork

love these photo by holga camera???? to read short news about stephy's coming album, u could click the ad. board carried by our pink airship in zone b or HERE . Also a very funny "Poem + Drawing" creation by stephy and madeleine is coming. yes, it's PinkWork #8 (not a magazine) ... 鄧麗欣明年二月出碟呀,詳情可到b區,按粉紅色飛船掛著的「廣告牌」或按 這裡 ... 找她其實主要是參與PinkWork #8 (這不是雜誌呀 ..呀...) 創作遊戲。今次她會畫一篇英文詩,很有趣 ... 別心急,大家很快會看到網上版本 ... sleeping-smiley-015
