
Chet Lam 's storyteller concert and new canto album / pinkwork

so cold today ... .... my cat 's claws are trembling ... so don't write too many words ... Want to know more about hk indie singer-songwriter Chet Lam 's new album and his "the storyteller" concert at star hall. Go to his virtual home in zone b of pinkwork city. And some very COOL holga photo of chet (by me .. a CAT) in pink message ...

天氣很冷,不寫那麼多字...貓爪都在震 ...到pinkwork城市 b 區林一峰的 虛擬單位 ,可聽聽 / 看看他親自講講最新的廣東專輯及演唱會 "the storyteller" ...pink message還有我用holga拍的林一峰相片 ...

holga_chetlam_p4 holga_chetlam_p3 holga photo of chet lam