
dj Jim & "wildchild" in band room (sound & video) / pinkwork shortnews

"wildchild", a hk rock band formed by pop radio dj Jim & his two best friends Chris & Siu Wu. Three days before their band show, a CAT secretly peep into their band room (kidding ... ) and recorded sound & video clips of these three "wild children" ... to SEE / HEAR them, go to pinkwork shortnews and more Holga photo & video of them in pink message ...

由商台dj少爺占及他的兩位好朋友chris及小胡組成的樂隊「野仔」,終於又在出碟及搞band騷。就在他們開騷前三日,一隻「八掛」的粉紅色貓潛入了他們的band房,錄了三位「野仔」的聲音及短片 ﹝... Laughing ... 講笑﹞... 想看看 / 聽聽,可到pinkwork shortnews ... 另外pink message還有用holga拍的少爺占及野仔相片 ...

holga_wildchild5 holga_wildchild1 holga_wildchild3 holga_wildchild4 < holga photo of jim 少爺占 & wildchild