
Fiona Sit in pinkwork news

it's been a looooooong time since i interviewed hk pop singer / actress Fiona Sit last time. She just finished her theatre show "Last Smile First Tear" and will release her new album "Smile" this month ... go to pinkwork news could SEE/HEAR sound and video of this talented girl, of course about her new album. pink message has the main dish ... photo of her by my holga.

薛凱琪剛完成跟梁祖堯合演的音樂劇《Last Smile First Tear》,隨即推出唱片《Smile》。 到pinkwork news可看看/聽聽她講更多關於自己的新唱片。pink message繼續有主菜,就是用holga幫fiona拍的相片。還有還有,祝各位會員,無論是貓或人,聖誕及新年快快樂樂 ....

holga_fionasit_5 holga_fionasit_6 holga_fionasit_3 holga_fionasit_4 < holga photo of fiona sit by my holga