
Chinese New Year Cleaning Day 大掃除日...意外發現 !

Today is the "cleaning day" according to Chinese New Year tradition (sweeping away bad luck). PINKCAT just spent a whole day cleaning up its virtual HOME, and accidentally found some Long Lost hard-copy PinkWork(issue 1 & 2). These publications (creation games) were done few years ago.

The First Issue was about "hk actress/singer Niki Chow being photographed by a 4-yr old Kids". Issue 2 was a montage made up of photos and sound of 44 HK indie musicians which is much more meaningful after a few years I think. Why? Looking at those names and their photos, many of them have been forgotten or they don't do music any more ... but their voices and photos still exists in my pinkwork city ... for hundred or thousand more years ... =^o^= ... That was my concept, well, as what I could remember.

Happy year of the Rabbit to all citizens ... !

今日大掃除日,粉紅貓花了一整天清理雜物,竟然意外發現了幾份「唔見了幾年」的PinkWork創作遊戲印刷版第一、二期。這是多年前我 製作的一些創作遊戲出版物。第一期主題是「周麗淇和一個4歲女孩的攝影創作」。第二期是44個香港獨立音樂人的相片+聲音併貼,幾年後再看更覺有趣,因為 那些音樂人的名字很多已被人遺忘,或已不再「玩」音樂 ... 不過他們的相片及聲音卻一直存在於我的粉紅城市。嘻 ... 這應該是我當時的意念 ... 若然沒有記錯的話 ...祝各pinkwork市民快快樂樂 ...

Issue 1 (p1 ~4, click the names or photos could hear more hidden sounds 按相片還可聽到更多隱藏聲音)

~ http://pinkwork.com/issue/01/p1.htm

Issue 2 (click names to hear their voices)

~ http://pinkwork.com/issue/02/p3.htm

Other Issues

~ http://pinkmessage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=155