
my human friend May Lam 林慧美 's Sake Tasting & get Drunk!?

just kidding ... May is a notable Japanese lifestyle writer in hk and also a qualified "Sake Sommelier", of course won't so easily get drunk. (really ?)

After having lunch with her and two very friendly marketing ladies from YATA 一田 this afternoon, we walked by their supermarket where there was a booth selling Sakes (japanese rice wine), a young boy asked us to taste some sake ... then .... one cup after another ... May was not just tasting, see, in the end she bought > $1,200 amount of Sake...

,之後路經超市,那裡有一個賣日本各地清酒的檔口,加上那個口才十分了得的男仔,不停向我們推銷 ... 結果一小杯接一小杯的,May試了很多種酒,醉了?! 當然不會,這位粉紅貓的人類朋友,除了是一個旅行作家,也是一位合格的清酒「侍酒師」﹝剛考到牌 ﹞,應該不會那麼易醉掛。最後May還一口氣買了超過$1,200清酒 ... 她說自飲之外,還會拿來送給人 。。。 但不是貓啊 !