
photos of several Humans by my Holga 拍的幾個人類的相片...

MEOW, they are SimShie Tran (a music talent from Netherlands) and Cherie Q (a newcomer pop singer) ... 她們分別是來自荷蘭的創作歌手陳心詩及一位女新人歌手喬樂頤 ﹝跟方皓文、RedNoon等是同公司的﹞ …

sound, photo & video of SimShie
~~> http://www.pinkwork.com/shortnews/simshie.htm

HOLGA photo & video of Cherie Q 喬樂頤 .


Holga Food photo Experiment @ agnès b. café 用Holga拍攝食物相片實驗

MEOW, special thank to agnès b. for allowing me to do the experiemnt at their café. I just told their PRs I (a CAT from pinkwork city) would like to do some shooting experiment using my Holga plastic camera at their cafe. They were so nice and asked whether they had to prepare some specially-made cakes for my shooting. Well, it’s not necessary cause the cakes on their shop are already very colorful.

You might question how could I use this plastic camera to shoot close-up or macro photo. Its closest focus length is 0.7 m! Of course my Holga have to put on a Macro or Close-up Lens (bought from Holga shop, just HK$68 per set). To know more about how I shot these photo, could see my article in this issue (624, p122~p123) of “Weekend Weekly” magazine. Yes, since the experiment result is quite good, I decided to write an article about this in my “Weekend Weekly” magazine ‘s column.

真的要多謝 agnès b.公關們的幫忙,原本粉紅貓只不過是通知她們,我打算在她們的銅鑼灣café內﹝貪那裡有黑白階磚地板﹞,用Holga塑膠相機做些「食物拍攝實驗」。 「放心,我只用一些Lo-fi器材,佔用餐廳一小角落,絕不會騷擾到她們的客人的」當時我跟她們說。

誰知她們十分好人,還問我要不要特別製 作一些蛋糕給我拍攝。當然不用了,她們店內已有很多七彩繽紛的蛋糕。你可能奇怪Holga最近的拍攝焦距是0.7米左右,怎可能用來拍微距或近距的食物 相?方法是套上一塊在「Holga專門店」有售,只是HK$68大元的塑膠微距或近攝鏡片。

結果,出來的相片依然有Holga相的「原始」風味,所以決定在我《新假期》的專欄稿,寫這個主題。想知詳情,可看看今期﹝第624期,122 ~ 123頁﹞這篇稿啦。

PINKCAT ‘s other Articles in “Weekend Weekly 新假期”
~~> pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1028
