
Ella Koon, "a Song wrote by myself..." 官恩娜「唔知粉紅貓會唔會 …?」

meow MEOW … HK pop singer cum actress Ella Koon just released her new EP album 《Take A Shine to》 and as usual (since she was a newcomer) I would do an interview with her, shoot some photos and a funny video. This time there is something special, inside the album has a Song wrote by herself. To sEE/hEAR her talking more about this, go to …

官恩娜又出新EP《Take A Shine to》了,一如以往﹝自她初出道開始﹞,粉紅貓都會走去跟她做訪問、拍些相片,包括正常的及Holga相、影一段無無聊聊了小短片。今次比較特別的是,EP內有一首歌《依依》,是她自己用結他作曲的。想看看 / 聽聽她講講更多,按下面的連結 … :idea:

FULL CITY Version (Flash required)
~~> pinkwork.com/shortnews/ella11.htm

Regen@HotCha 's Farewell Message, superb Funny ! 在粉紅貓鏡頭前的離別話

want to hEAR/sEE this HK popular sing & dance girl group talking about their new EP album and a farewell message from one of the group members ~ Regen, who will go to Australia to study English and music for 1~2 years, you could touch the “pink” city ‘s link below.

HotCha (in Cantonese means “Hot Tea”) is a successful girl group formed in 2007, comprised of three young girls, namely Regen, Winkie, Crystal. They were all singing or dance competition winners. To date they’ve released 5 albums and won many music awards. What a surprise, Regen suddenly announced last month that she will leave the group for 1~2 years and go to Australia to study.

MEOW, pinkcat has never interviewed HotCha before, cause I’m more into electronic and new age music. I really want to include their voices and feelings in my city once I heard this news. Yes, pinkwork city is a new media artwork about interesting people! During the interview it might be easy to make them crying in front of the camera … well, keep asking them to say about their feeling, memories, etc..

I don’t want to do that, instead I want them to share more about their happiness from the past and expected happiness in the future ! So that’s why you would see this superb FUNNY video below. :P

粉紅貓從未訪問過HotCha這隊出道了五年多的跳舞組合的,因為貓的喜好較特別,比較喜歡古古怪怪﹝甚至沒有人聲﹞的電子及new age音樂。不過上月,成員Regen突然宣佈會於九月離隊一至兩年,就引起我這隻貓的興趣。因為pinkwork city本身就是一件關於「人」的新媒體藝術作品,對於那些有個性的「人類」特別感興趣 。

訪問時,粉紅貓也不想故意問她們的心情,搞喊她們了,反而想引導她們講些開心的東西,未來也可以是令人興奮的 … 所以大家便會見到下面那條極之玩野的短片 … 喇 … 想聽聽/看看她們親自講更多,可按下面的粉紅城市連結。

FULL CITY Version (Flash required)
~~> pinkwork.com/shortnews/hotcha.htm