
Art Movie starring 2 Cats in a vintage store 粉紅貓古著店貓短片創作

I’m not a BIG fan of Olympus PEN, though many of my human friends are (especially those young girls). It’s the “Weekend Weekly” magazine editor told me she borrowed a Lite PEN (E-PL3) from Olympus and asked whether I was interested to take it for a 1-week trail. Why Not? Almost at the same time, one of my friends who runs a vintage Store in Central said, the lovely tiger-striped cat at his store just born 4 new babies. So I suddenly came across a funny topic for my column, that is “Using lite PEN to shot little baby kitten” !

I was not writing a camera review article, but I have to say here the “tilt screen” function of E-PL3 is very useful when I used it to shoot cats at very low angle (close to the ground). Its light weight and small size also made me be able to shoot photo or video with one hand. See, below are photos and two very short “art movies starring cats using this little camera. WOULD I buy a PEN? Sorry, don’t get the money …

我不是Olympus PEN的粉絲,雖然身邊很多人類朋友是,特別是女孩子。不過是上星期《新假期》的編輯跟我講,她剛向Olympus借了一部輕巧版PEN E-PL3,問我有否興趣借去玩一個星期。有新機玩當然無問題啦!同一時間,一個在中環開古著店的朋友說,他店內那隻非常可愛的虎紋貓生了小貓。於是我忽然想到以此作專欄題目,就是「『輕巧』PEN影BB貓」。

雖然不是寫試用報告,但真的要在這裡讚一讚此機的「可反80度角觀景屏幕」功能非常有用,尤其是以超低角度﹝貼地﹞拍貓時候。另外因為機身輕、細,我單手也可拿著相機拍攝相片及短片,另一隻手可用來打燈。看看,下面就是我用這部細小相機拍下的相片及甚有藝術味道的貓貓短片 … 會買這部機嗎?沒有多餘錢啊 …

more photos ~ http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1451

Why SiuFay took so long to make his new Album? 小肥的新專輯

SiuFay started off as a “demo” singer. He also formed a music group “C-Plus” and had performed in the Macau pub circuit for many years. In 2007 he signed with a big Label and released his debut album The First Album Of Siufay. During the recent years, he also appeared in many movies and theater performances. However, it has been nearly two years since his second album in Festival Traveler in 2009. He said his third album will be OUT very soon. Why he took so long to make an Album? Click the link below could sEE/hEAR he talking about the details.

自從2009年的第二張專輯《Festival Traveler》後,小肥徐智勇﹞已近兩年沒有出新唱片。他說純粹因為自己要求高,加上和新監製黃尚偉合作,要時間磨合,後期已愈來愈順暢。所以他的新專輯《黃昏音樂會》終於錄音完成,快將面世。今次歌路會有少許改變 … 想聽/看看他親自講解,可到下面手機迷你版pinkwork city…

~ http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1427

an Audiophile album singer who sings new songs ~ Philip Wei 發燒碟歌手─韋雄

Audiophile singers like to sing cover versions of those big-hit songs. I guess one of the reasons is, it could give the listeners a standard or reference to make comparison, well, between voices of different singers. Philip Wei just released a new audiophile album titled “Phil/Harmonic“, most of the songs in the album are new songs ... Click the link below could hEAR him talking more about his new album.

那些發燒碟歌手都喜歡翻唱一些經典舊歌。我估原因之一是,那些音響發燒友想有一個標準或者參考,去比較不同演繹者的聲音。不過,韋雄剛推出的新碟《Phil/Harmonic》,十四首歌之中只有兩首是舊歌。 ... 想聽/看看他親自講解此碟的製作過程 …可到「迷你手機版」pinkwork城市。

~ http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1389

Use Holga To Capture a Feeling 用Holga捕捉感覺﹝HotCha, 《新假期》專欄﹞

That should be the original title of my latest article in my column in this issue (630, p130~131) of “Weekend Weekly” magazine. Actually it means “feeling” towards the people (being photographed) and about a place (the shooting site) . The editor later changed it to “capture HotCha (name of this hk pop dance & sing group )”, well, I agree this new title is much more attractive to the readers. Though I’m quite good at shooting people, I seldom wrote about portrait photography … since I want to experiment with other interesting topics, like photograph food, animals, bugs, scenery … etc. in this column.

This time is special, cause the three girls@HotCha were so excited in front of my “holga” camera (never been photographed by a CAT before ?!), so photos came out are all so natural and fit this title … …

這原本是我今期﹝第 630期, 130~131頁﹞《新假期》專欄的標題﹝懶特別、虛無飄渺 ﹞,「感覺」是指對人﹝被攝者﹞及場地﹝拍攝地點﹞的感覺。雜誌編輯其後將之改成「捕捉HotCha」,又的確會更吸引讀者。雖然我經常拍攝人﹝類﹞,卻甚少以此做文章主題。因為想在此欄目試驗多些新鮮題材,例如影食物、動物、蟲蟲等等。
