
林慧美開新食店,請粉紅貓食日牛涮涮鍋小短片 / writer May Lam 's new restaurant

meow, my human friend May Lam, a Japanese Culture writer / columnist just opened her new Shabu Shabu restaurant and invited me to have Lunch ( writer turned enterprise ?! ) ... delicious !
我的人類朋友 - 日本文化作家慧美剛開了她的一人一鍋自助日牛涮涮鍋店,中午請粉紅貓試食 ... 好味, 特別是那些鹿兒島和牛 ... =^o^=


visited Chloe @ Rainbow Gala hk Dojinshi 同人誌 Event 創辦人 – 小撒:「哝,粉紅貓…」

MEOW, yesterday visited the new studio/shop of Chloe, shot some photos and a superb FUNNY video. Chloe is the founder of HK Dojinshi Event “Rainbow Gala“. Want to know more about her, could go to pinkwork city mobile mini.

昨天終於有時間到訪﹝還是搞亂?﹞Rainbow Gala人誌即賣會創辦人 – 小撒的新店/ 工作室,隨便拍了些相片及一段非常好笑的「粉紅貓特色無聊小短片」。想知道更多小撒的往事及背景,可到手機迷你版 pinkwork city

> http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1531

past interview with Chloe (Flash required)
~~> pinkwork.com/book/rainbowgala.htm