
陳僖儀:「…高興見到粉紅貓。」newcomer Sita Chan 's debut album

Sita Chan, a newcomer pop singer in Hong Kong. Her debut album CRAZY LOVE is just OUT this month. After winning a singing competition several years ago, Sita was recommended to sing demo for many HK music producers. At the same time, she also had regular live performances in shopping malls, hotels and wedding occassions, and gradually accumulated many fans ...

歌手Sita陳僖儀剛推出她的首張專輯《CRAZY LOVE》,當中更有一首歌《忘川》,是她自己作曲的。這位新人因為讀書時參加歌唱比賽,認識了任評判的唱片監製,並獲引薦唱Demo,至今已足足五年。 她亦經常在一些大型商場及酒店表演。原來她在大學是讀「公關」的,未想過做全職歌手,不過後來因為聲線甜美,被著名經理人Paco黃柏高賞識,大學畢業後 便馬
上有機會出碟 ...
photos and interview 相片及訪問
~~> pinkwork.com/shortnews/sitachan.htm

mobile mini version 手機迷你版
~~> http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1757

* latest interview about her 2nd album "Let me find love"

radio DJ / pop singer Angela Au 區文詩 ‘s 2nd EP Album 專輯

Initially I thought she would just publish one album to fulfill her wish as a solo singer (She’s never released any solo album since she left pop girl group Cookies several years ago). Don’t expect she would produce a second Album and in the interview, she even told me she’s already thought of the concept of her THIRD album ...

起初以為港台DJ ~ 區文詩只會出一張唱片,當是了卻離開Cookies後未有推出過個人專輯的心願,誰知上星期在唱片店碰見她的第二張專輯。還不只,訪問時她還表示,已構思了第三張專輯的意念。


~~> pinkwork.com/shortnews/angela.htm

mobile mini version 手機迷係版
~~> http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1717

a few photos of Angela by my HOLGA toy camera
~~> http://artqoo.com/pink/archives/186