
巔覆「性」女子組合~超粉紅...遇見粉紅貓 Ultrapink, a subversive HK Indie girl group / PINKWORK Shortnews

Came across this 2-girl INDIE group in a Shopping Mall where they held their first mini Solo concert. Ultrapink, an electronic pop indie girl group comprised of two young and sexy girls, namely Naomi and Sadie. Formed in 2010, they’ve released two songs to date titled “Tong Zhi” and “Sex Bible” . The term “Tong Zhi” is a Chinese slang refers to sexual minorities, such as Lesbian and Gay ... 

 那天行經朗豪坊,看見一隊由兩個女孩子組成,叫「超粉紅」的組合,已推出兩首電子音樂風格歌曲 ~ 《同志》及《性經》。看她們那間獨立唱片公司的網頁,果然是有強烈訊息想表達,也終於明白為何她們用「巔覆」來形容自己了。雖然未必每個人類都同意他們,但人類應該是互相尊重的,而那麼有性格的人類,粉紅貓自然要親自見/ 訪問她們,及將他/她們的相片、聲音及影像檔案,放上我的pinkwork虛擬城市。

 FULL Interview 詳細內容 ~  pinkwork.com/shortnews/ultrapink.htm   /  mobile mini 手機迷你版 pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1771

A few more PHOTOs of Ultrapink by my HOLGA toy camera to artQoo 還有幾張用HOLGA塑膠玩具相機拍她們的相片 ~ artqoo.com/pink/archives/300 

「劉森記」麵店貓…微電影 by PINKWORK / a Pocket Film starring Lau Sum Kee Noodles ‘s CAT

Every time I passed by the super hyped and Michelin Guide recommended Eatery ~ Lau Sum Kee Noodles, famed for its traditional cantonese bamboo noodles, I would use whip out my iTouch to shoot its shop CAT ...

每次行經「名」麵店「劉森記」,都會用部itouch影一影那隻店貓 ...  DETAILs / Making-of this funny pocket short film, click the Links 詳細資料及製作背後

~~  http://qoozine.com/eat/archives/423