
Hanjin 陳奐仁 suffered "guitar playing jnjuries" 彈結他彈到受傷 during recording his NEW album 《矛盾》 / pinkwork shortnews

Hanjin Tan, an award-winning singer, songwriter cum music producer who was born and educated in Singapore, and is now based in Hong Kong. Want to sEE/hEAR him talking more about his new accostic album (including how he suffered “guitar playing injuries” during recording and a very detailed and technical explanation of each song), could go to my pinkwork city ...

陳奐仁的新專輯《矛盾》快面世,他表示當中有3首歌的譜是超高難度的,錄音時經常彈到抽筋,後來關節及背脊也受了傷。 喵 … 想聽/看看他講解這張新專輯﹝包括每首歌的歌詞意思、錄音技巧及對電影工作人員和另一音樂人莊冬昕的讚賞 …﹞,可到粉紅貓的pinkwork虛擬城市 ...

mobile mini 手機迷你版 pinkwork city

 ~  pinkwork.com/shortnews/hanjin.htm 

Hanjin, do U believe Aliens exist?
a PINKWORK Art Concept