
有耳非文 x Twins Kitchen 孖人廚房 : 外星生物綁架人類系列~事前短片 / PINKWORK™ Radio Art / Alien Abduction of Creative Humans

Twins Kitchen  ( Joshua & Caleb, these talented twin brothers are founders of the much-hyped private kitchen in HK “Twins Kitchen“, columnists and TV Hosts) .

Arumimi Hifumi  ( an award-winning stage artist, indie musician, now is the director of performing arts @ Skyhigh Creative Partners ). Want to sEE/hEAR these three Humans talking more about their creative businesses/careers, could go to PINKWORK™ Radio Art ...

孖人廚房這兩兄弟是人氣私房菜「孖人廚房」創辦人、多本雜誌的飲食專欄作家電視飲食節目主持 有耳非文是日本、台灣混血兒,19歲隻身來香港演藝學院修讀「舞台科藝」學士。畢業後參與舞台演出外,亦推出獨立唱片,2001年奪「叱吒」頒獎典禮──組合銅獎,07年奪「叱吒」十大,亦曾是903電台DJ,現為「天比高創作伙伴」表演藝術部門總監。想聽/看這三位人類對談關於藝術創業的心得,可到PINKWORK™ Radio Art



Abstract YouTube version 撮要版本

Alien Abduction Video extra 外星綁架片段

 * 1 more video of Twins Kitchen shot a few months ago