
singer-song-writer J. Arie 's debut EP album《Soliloquy》雷琛瑜的處女EP專輯 / pinkwork™ city

Though she gave up Law profession to become a pop singer, her determination paid off. J. Arie 's debut album 《Soliloquy》is finally OUT this month 關於雷琛瑜的處女EP專輯. Want  to hEAR/sEE her talking about the details, go to pinkwork™ city mobile mini 手機迷你版 

http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/2785 .


Uncover the Jewish mysticism Kabbalah 古猶太神秘學~卡巴拉![PINKWORK™ Radio Art]

hk celebrity dream interpreter/spiritual healer/columnist ~ DREAMONITA is chatting with Sean Coxall  from Kabbalah Center Hong Kong & HK renowned illustrator Lio Beardsley about this ancient Human wisdom. 

Sean is one of the directors of a global trading company, and in charge of many international fashion brands who is not only a Kabbalah follower, but also voluntarily helps and sponsors Kabbalah events in HK. 

Beardsely has worked for Anna Sui and many big brands, such as Levi, Maybelline, Vidal Sassoon, addias … etc. She has learn Kabbalah by herself since several years ago

Want to hEAR these spiritual Humans talking more about this celebrity-friendly spiritual practice (yes, Madonna, Demi Moore, and many other pop stars are Kabbalah followers), go to PINKWORK™ Radio Art

近年當娜及一眾荷里活名人/明星都公開承認是古猶太神秘學~Kabbalah信徒,有人說這是精英人類的宗教、甚至是「魔法」一種。好奇八卦的外星生命體pinkwork™粉紅貓自然也想多多了解一下這種古人類文明。怎了解?當然不是隨便上網搜尋資料便算,我直接聯絡了Kabbalah中心﹝之前從未接觸過他們的,本地亦沒有Kabbalah會址﹞,竟然收到Mr. Sean Coxall回覆。Sean已研習Kabbalah多年,亦是本地Kabbalah活動籌劃及贊助人。他正職是環球貿易公司「利豐」的Directors之一,主管多個國際時裝品牌,經常不在香港,難得願意抽時間滿足我的好奇。

我「指派」了人類朋友~星級解夢師Dreamonita夢妮妲跟Sean對談/訪問,亦準備了一些比較淺白的問題。訪問一個人還未夠深入,同時找來Anna Sui御用插畫師Lio Beardsley

夢妮妲傾傾天,因為她一向有買書自學Kabbalah,亦有兩次與「天使」接觸的經驗。想聽聽這幾位靈性人類的Kabbalah對談內容,可到下面的PINKWORK™ Radio Art連結。

FULL Story ~ http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/933

an interview with ME (a.k.a. pinkwork™ entity) Lio Beardsley by Milk Magazine (issue 638, p50~51) 一篇雜誌訪問 about Kabbalah.

▲ Dreamonita x Lio Beardsley (in Cantonese)

▲ Dreamonita x Sean Coxall (in English)