
十日辟穀餓不死 ~ 體驗!夢妮妲 x KiKiWong:PINKWORK™ Radio Art / a 10-day Breatharianism Experience

Dreamonita is a celebrity dream interpreter / spiritual healer / columnist in HK. pinkcat@pinkwork city likes to call her a collector of “new age thinkings”, cause she’s studied and practised many different new age theories, Oneness University, Bijan Anjomi, Seth Material 賽斯資料, Psychology of Vision, Taoism ‘s Qigong, to name a few. Last year she joined a 10-day Breatharianism Camp organized by Qigong Master ~ Mr. Gao from China. Breatharianism or Inedia is an ancient belief that human could survive without eating any food but purely on energy from nature, such as Sunlight, fresh air … In ancient Taoism, this practice is aiming to achieve immortality or living longer ...Click the link below could hear her and illustrator KiKi Wong talking more about her "hungry" experience

一向對人類相當好奇的外星生命體pinkwork™粉紅貓,繼續對人類古文明很感興趣,今次牠又活捉了香港星級解夢師/心靈療癒師 ~ 夢妮妲及插畫家KiKi Wong﹝海人經理人﹞來做「研究」。New Age思想的「集郵女皇夢妮妲上年參加了10天的辟穀氣功營 ,很想她詳細講講怎可能10天不吃東西﹝只可喝紅糖水﹞,而她竟然沒有餓死。她說過了頭三天之後,基本上不吃東西,體力已跟平日無異,還可以去跟師傅及同學行山。之後她的身體亦起了一些神奇的變化。想聽聽她及KiKi Wong講講這次神奇的「肚餓經驗」,可按/點下面PINKWORK™ Radio Art 的連結 ...