
Flower Remedies ❋ 花療 ▶ EKEE 伊維特 x 夢妮妲 x Hugo [ PINKWORK™ Radio Art ★ new age channeling 10 ]

外星生命體 ~ pinkwork™ extraterrestrial entity stop by planet Earth and do “abduction” again! This time the 3 “abducted” human targets, namely EKEE 伊維特 (singer, author, Psychic card reader, witch & former commercial radio 903DJ), Dreamonita 夢妮妲  (celebrity dream interpreter cum spiritual healer) & Hugo aka Fruit Rain (self-taught flower essence consultant, singer) were chatting about the topic Flower Remedies, not only the “classic” system found by Dr. Edward Bach 巴哈醫生 in 1934, but also ... 今次主題講花療﹝或花精治療﹞... FULL Story (>1 hr) in 


and a few more film photo 還有幾張莓林相片 of them ( EKEE 伊維持、夢妮妲 Dreamonita 及 Hugo Rain Fruit ) by my HOLGA Toy Camera ...