
happy happy new year .. pinkwork scenery photo

lazy "pinkwork" still on holiday and got nothing new to post except these photos ... they were taken during the past few days ... I don't quite like taking scenery photo normally (very boring) ...  however i came across a funny dog while wandering on the macau street ... so i took out my camera but it ran away quickly ... ooh, have to say "HAPPY NEW YEAR" to all of you .... and my "pink message" forum (no, it's not a forum!!) is coming ....  

懶惰的pinkwork沒有甚麼新東西可以放上來,除了這幾張近期拍的相片。一直不太喜歡拍風景相﹝因為都幾悶吓﹞。不過行街時碰見這隻得意小狗,才拿出相機,結果牠很快便跑掉了 ... 惟有拍拍風景 ... 一定要向大家說聲新年快快樂樂 ... 我的"pink message"論壇 (不是論壇啊 ...)亦(希望可以)快將開幕 ...

xanga-mo01 xanga-mo02 xanga-mo05 xanga-mo03 <pinkwork photo
