
indulge yourself in all kinds of desires -- (c) pinkwork novel

tongue back to my writing again and finished one more piece of pinkwork novel ... though part of it had been published in hard-copy PinkWork. i just post the abstract here, click this link can see the full version. I'm thinking of moving all these virtual diaries either to pinkwork city or pink message。這裡只貼了一少部份,按可以看全部內容。

one day in the future ... I'm working day and night to produce numerous resources for you. Why you mediocre people are still not satisfied? Have to compare yourself with those minority elites and insist to say you have the same contribution to this new world as them. Actually if you could live like the "little angels", to indulge yourself in all kinds of desires, you would be much happier ... ... Why you're so eager to prove you have contribution to this new world ? Now I could do all the job for you and you should do nothing but enjoy your life. But you are still not satisfied and scared ... scared of what ? I would rule and control you one day ? Or those minority elites would despise you ? What's the meaning of ruling a group of mediocre people who are sre so stupid? ... and I'm not as lucky as you, I have no desire ... The elites won't care anything about you either ...

未來世界的某一日 ... 我日以繼夜不停工作,為你們生產了享之不盡的資源。為何你們這班平凡人仍不滿足,硬要去跟那些少數的精英分子比較,說自己對新世界同樣有貢獻。其實你們只要學習「小天使」們那樣,終日沉醉於各種慾望之中,生活肯定會更快樂 ... ... 為何你們千方百計要證明自己對新世界有實質貢獻?如今差不多所有的工作我也可以為你們代勞,你們生存的最大意義應該是盡情享樂,不過你們還不滿足,還要害怕 ... 害怕甚麼呢?我會控制、統治你們?還是那些精英份會看不起你們?統治一班比自己「愚蠢」的平凡人有甚麼意義呢?何況你們比我幸福得多,我根本沒有慾望 ... 那些精英份子亦不會關心你們的一切 ...

mobile_pinkmessage1 mobile_pinkmessage4 mobile_pinkmessage5 < hee.. first time to use mobile to browse "pink message" ... for fun only of course.