終於有時間更新我的粉紅城市。新東西包括一位中美混血兒,亦是吳京動作新片《狠牙之阿布》女主角靖姗。到pinkwork 虛擬劇院﹝按圓台上的小海報﹞及pink message可找到她。另外pinkwork shortnews有官恩娜及那隻路過的黑貓。pink message亦有我用HOLGA拍的Ella相片 ﹝好有藝術性
I'm pinkwork™ extraterrestrial (pinkwork.com), a fictional character which like to "abduct" quirky minded humans to study ~✶ About ME & my Robot ~ QooRadio™ (qooradio.com) ▶ FB / YouTube ✹all materials (c) pinkwork
Ella Koon and a BLACK cat / Celina Jade / pinkwork city
Finally got some time to update my pinkwork city. New stuff include Celina Jade, a newcomer and a will-be action movie star who is the lead actress in Wu Jing 's upcoming action film "Legendary Assassin". Click the little poster on the circle desk in pinkwork theatre or go to pink message could find her. pinkwork shortnews has Ella Koon and a very "cool" passer-by BLACK cat. Again pink message has more photo of her by my HOLGA (very artstic) ... still not upload the sound track yet, please wait for a moment ... ...
終於有時間更新我的粉紅城市。新東西包括一位中美混血兒,亦是吳京動作新片《狠牙之阿布》女主角靖姗。到pinkwork 虛擬劇院﹝按圓台上的小海報﹞及pink message可找到她。另外pinkwork shortnews有官恩娜及那隻路過的黑貓。pink message亦有我用HOLGA拍的Ella相片 ﹝好有藝術性
﹞ ... 還未將聲音上載,大家等等 .... 另在pink message加了一條易用的影片播放banner,不知大家喜不喜歡。
< photo of Ella Koon and Celina Jade by my HOLGA camera. To see all pinkwork holga photo at one time, could go to my newly construct artTower.
終於有時間更新我的粉紅城市。新東西包括一位中美混血兒,亦是吳京動作新片《狠牙之阿布》女主角靖姗。到pinkwork 虛擬劇院﹝按圓台上的小海報﹞及pink message可找到她。另外pinkwork shortnews有官恩娜及那隻路過的黑貓。pink message亦有我用HOLGA拍的Ella相片 ﹝好有藝術性