今年書展當然有很多藝人會出新書,分別有傅穎的繪本+文字書《我會快樂的》及艾粒﹝ 阿占及當奴﹞的DVD《艾粒1979》。想聽聽/看看﹝聲音及短片﹞他們親自講解自己的作品,可到pinkwork虛擬城市﹝按他們的姓名便可到達﹞。另在pink message有很多文字資料及holga拍的相片 ...
I'm pinkwork™ extraterrestrial (pinkwork.com), a fictional character which like to "abduct" quirky minded humans to study ~✶ About ME & my Robot ~ QooRadio™ (qooradio.com) ▶ FB / YouTube ✹all materials (c) pinkwork
Theresa Fu, I Love You Boyz 's new books in 09 HK Book Fairs
yes, many artists will release their new books in the coming hk book fairs, including pop idol Theresa Fu 's new book of her sketches and writing "T about Love" and radio host / comdeic duo I Love You Boyz (jim and donald) 's new DVD "iLuv 1979" ...want to hEAR/sEE (sond & vidoe of) them talking more about their new works, go to pinkwork city (simply click their name). More holga photo and text info in pink message.
今年書展當然有很多藝人會出新書,分別有傅穎的繪本+文字書《我會快樂的》及艾粒﹝ 阿占及當奴﹞的DVD《艾粒1979》。想聽聽/看看﹝聲音及短片﹞他們親自講解自己的作品,可到pinkwork虛擬城市﹝按他們的姓名便可到達﹞。另在pink message有很多文字資料及holga拍的相片 ...
< photo of iLuv (Jim + Donald) and Theresa Fu by my Holga camera
今年書展當然有很多藝人會出新書,分別有傅穎的繪本+文字書《我會快樂的》及艾粒﹝ 阿占及當奴﹞的DVD《艾粒1979》。想聽聽/看看﹝聲音及短片﹞他們親自講解自己的作品,可到pinkwork虛擬城市﹝按他們的姓名便可到達﹞。另在pink message有很多文字資料及holga拍的相片 ...