hk radio dj / comedic duo "I Love You Boyz" (Jim and Donald) said their comedy show in the coming X'mas might probably be their last show. After that they will "break up" and take a two years' rest ... but they will continue their dj show every monday to friday ... want to sEE/hEAR (sound and video of) them explain more about that, go to pinkwork shortnews. Again pink message has more text info and holga photo of them ...
香港流行dj及搞笑組合「艾粒」說他們的聖誕騷《普世歡騰核能人》可能是他們以「艾粒」名義參與的最後一個「收費」的演出。之後他們將會「分開」一段時間,可能兩年之後﹝即是「艾粒」成立的十周年﹞重組。不過他們依然會繼續電台的節目 ... 想聽聽 / 看看他們﹝的聲音及短片﹞親自講解詳情,可到pinkwork shortnews. 另外,pink message亦有用holga拍的「艾粒」相。
< photo of iLUB by my HOLGA camera