
Khloe Chu 朱紫嬈, an indie band's lead vocal went solo and mainstream ...

Khloe Chu, a newcomer pop singer in hk who used to be an indie band's Lead Vocal. She said many record labels had approached her several years ago, but all these opportunities were turned down by her mother ... Until last year, her mother finally changed her mind and gave her daughter a chance to pursue her music dream ... want to know more (sound and video of) about this new talent, go to pinkwork shortnews. Again more holga photo of Khloe in pink message.

朱紫嬈曾是一隊獨立樂隊的主音,贏過很多比賽。原來幾年前已有唱片公司找 Khloe簽約,最後統統給她的媽媽推掉了 ... 直至最近,她的媽媽才改變主 意,決定給自己女兒一個機會 ... 上年她已為電影《保持愛你》唱主題曲《我愛你很多》... 想知更多﹝聲音及小短片﹞,可到
pinkwork shortnewspink message 有更多用Holga拍的Khloe相 ....

< photo of Khloe by my Holga camera