pinkwork city MOBILE mini version 「手機迷你版」城市面世!
Now you just type in the same address ( using your mobile, you'll automatically be directed to the "MOBILE mini" version. There you could also leave facebook or members' comment ... of course I would encourage you all to visit the "FULL version" virtual city, cause that's my original art concept ...:idea: 喵喵,以後用手機看,你便會自動轉到「手機迷你版本」。那裡還有facebook及會員留言功能。希望大家會喜歡 ... 當然完整版的城市會一直存在,而且鼓勵大家用電腦睇「完整版」的虛擬城市,因為這才是我的創作意念。
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