
A PINKWORK video of fashion brand AMENPAPA ‘s founder ~ Salina 粉紅貓無聊小短片

MEOW … just visited the new (her 1st) shop of human friend Salina who created the fashion brand “AMENPAPA“, a brand that blends God’s words with fashion… many HK & Taiwan pop stars wear her clothes, such as Sammi Cheng, Fiona Sit, etc.. Congratulation ..!!!

 剛到訪人類朋友/服裝品牌創辦人Salina的新﹝首間﹞AMENPAPA時裝店 … 恭喜恭喜!﹝雖然貓是沒有宗教的﹞她說這是一個「聖經 + 時裝」的品牌, 一件件衫,就好像一頁頁聖經。該品牌也有很多明星、名人的支持者,如薛凱琪、鄭秀文等等。 … 喵。
