
前警隊心理學家~鍾灼輝Dr.Bell Chung親述瀕死神秘經驗!Near-Death Experience [PINKWORK™ Radio Art]

Dr. Chung is a PhD in Cognitive Psychology from University of HK, used to be a hypnotherapist & Senior Inspector in HK Police. In 2004 he suffered a severe injury in a glider plane crash in New Zealand and experienced a NDE. Though his life was saved, his doctor declared his severely-injured right ankle would collapse within one year, and no any available medical treatment could prevent this from happening.

Dr. Chung did not give up. He later discovered a method using hypnosis to access subconscious mind and activate the self-healing power of human. After 144 days, he was fully recovered and could now walk like a normal people ...  Want to sEE/hEAR Dr. Chung talking more about his appealing story, go to PINKWORK™ Radio Art

>  http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/1135

我外星生命體pinkwork™粉紅貓對人類的「瀕死狀態」經驗/現像一向相當感興趣。今次除了夢妮妲及彭秀慧御用插畫家KiKiWong外,我還特別「綁架」了一個「真實個案」人類來做研究,就是Dr. Bell Chung 鍾灼輝博士Dr. Chung是香港大學心理學博士,前香港警務署高級督察催眠師。2004年他在紐西蘭一次滑翔機墜機意外身受重傷,親身經歷了一次「瀕死經驗」。當時醫生雖然救了Dr.Chung 的性命,但就宣告他嚴重受傷的右腳踭會在一年內骨枯枯死,而且沒有任何醫治方法。
Dr. Chung沒有放棄,後來發明了一套利用催眠進入潛意識,去激活人類自癒本能的治療方法。結果經過144天後,他不單完全康復,如今走路跟正常人無異。目前他不單止開設了自己的「治療中心」,亦出版了多本暢銷書,包括《做自己最好的醫生》、《生命迴旋》等等。想聽/看看他分享更多自己的「瀕死」神秘經驗及「夢中夢」催眠自癒療法,可到PINKWORK™ Radio Art

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