
happy happy new year .. pinkwork scenery photo

lazy "pinkwork" still on holiday and got nothing new to post except these photos ... they were taken during the past few days ... I don't quite like taking scenery photo normally (very boring) ...  however i came across a funny dog while wandering on the macau street ... so i took out my camera but it ran away quickly ... ooh, have to say "HAPPY NEW YEAR" to all of you .... and my "pink message" forum (no, it's not a forum!!) is coming ....  

懶惰的pinkwork沒有甚麼新東西可以放上來,除了這幾張近期拍的相片。一直不太喜歡拍風景相﹝因為都幾悶吓﹞。不過行街時碰見這隻得意小狗,才拿出相機,結果牠很快便跑掉了 ... 惟有拍拍風景 ... 一定要向大家說聲新年快快樂樂 ... 我的"pink message"論壇 (不是論壇啊 ...)亦(希望可以)快將開幕 ...

xanga-mo01 xanga-mo02 xanga-mo05 xanga-mo03 <pinkwork photo



Ivana Photo by pinkwork

see ... here are some photos of pop singer Ivana Wong. Again I used my "stupid" Holga to take these photos ...  If you can't wait to see/hear Ivana talks about her new album, click Here...   ooh, have to go back to construct our secret place -- "pink message". it's not open yet ...

這又是我用那部「垃圾」Holga拍的王菀之相片。若果想看些正常點的相片,或者直接看看/聽聽王菀之談她的新碟及未來的國語碟,可按這裡。噢,又要去建造那個神秘地方 --pink message 。沒辦法,pinkwork做事一向慢吞吞 ...  特別是聖誕又快來臨 .... 祝大家聖誕新年快樂 ... )

xanga-ivana23 xanga-ivana25 < ivana

"pink message" secret forum ...

what am i doing these few days ????? hee ... setting up this secret "pink message " forum ... it's mainly for artists living in pinkwork city. In future (it's not open yet), they can post any news about their upcoming indie album, movie dvd, books ... etc.... and the most important thing is ...it has the same color of this xanga ... ... subscribers of this xanga are eligible to register but you have to inform me first, either by email or leaving comment ... small-smiley-003

正建造這個神秘"pink message "地方 ...(還未開放!!!!!) ... 將來pinkwork 虛擬城市 的市民可以自行將出版新碟、書、展覽的消息放上來 ... 應該很方便 ... 已訂閱這個xanga的人也可以登記,但要先通知我,可以電郵或者留下意見 ... 又要返去繼續建造虛擬城市 ... sad-smiley-012


he's a friend of agnes b ... "Camino Frances " photo exhibition

His name is Emanuel Bovet, a french photographer, film-maker, poet and friend of fashion designer Agnes b. He's is holding his "Camino Frances" exhibition in agnes b's Travel Concept Store in hk, featuring photos taken in Les Pyrenees, southwest Europe by himself (a 3 month journey on foot !!!!!). It's also a collection owned by Agnes. You're not in hk??? Nevermind virtually you could meet (hear & see) him at the top floor of our gallery in zone b pinkwork city. Emanuel is a talkative man and seems so interested in my "pink" city, so we spend lots of time on explaining each other's art concept ... nice experience ... he also gave me a signed mini poem/photo book. In exchange i wrote down my virtual diaries site address. But his poems are all written in french ... anybody can do the translation for me ??????? Ha .. recently so many people come to our virtual city because of celebrity photographer "Leslie Kee", i guess people search his name through google or yahoo.com ... the interesting thing is i've interviewed him long long time ago ... why he became so popular until recently ....

時裝設計師Agnes b的好朋友,法國攝影師/電影及詩人Emanuel正在香港的Agnes b旅行概念店舉行「法國之路」攝影展。這是他一個人用雙腳花了三個月時間,攀山越嶺於歐洲西南部庇里牛斯山拍攝的一批相片。這批相也是Agnes的個人收藏,今次還製成了相機、日記簿、袋等副產品在agnes b店內發售。想跟Emanuel見見面或聽聽他的聲音,可到pinkwork虛擬城市 b區的藝術廊 頂層 ... Emanuel對我們的粉紅城市很感興趣,我也對他的電影 (他說是creative documentary),結果我們花了不少時間各自解釋自己的創作意念 ...很有趣 .....他還送了一本迷係相片/詩集(應該在agnes b店內有售)給我,還簽了名。不過詩是用法文寫成的 ... ... 有沒有人可以幫我翻譯 ????? 哈 ... 我也寫了我的虛擬新聞/日記 網址給他 .....


xanga-emanuel_bovet-photo pt1 <Emanuel, his photo & merchandise for sale in agnes store


pinkwork xanga

don't know why ... though the contents are the same, people prefer my xanga than blogger ???????
哈,xanga (http://www.xanga.com/pinkwork)同這裡也放了同一內容,,,,但不知為何,,,,看xanga的人始終多很多倍....其實...我也喜歡xanga的設計多些....


Stephy drew a poem ... PinkWork #8

Stephy Tang is a pop singer/ actress. MadeleineMarie Slavick is an American poet/writer/photographer. The two ladies have never met but a poem "Winter Tree" written by Madeleine connected them together. In PinkWork #8 (click to hear/see the online version)... you'll see Stephy 's drawing of this poem, an artistic communication between the two artists. Remind all of you again ... and again ... PinkWork is not a magazine or reporting any news .... it's just one of my non-sense artworks ... Hard-copy version is coming ... but as you can imagine, i have to use my cat claws to control the computer mouse, so it'll take some time ...

鄧麗欣跟居港的美國詩人Madeleine沒有見過面,兩人互不相識。不過一首由Madeleine所寫的詩「冬天的樹」卻將兩人連繫一起。今期PinkWork #8可以看見Stephy畫了這篇詩出來,一種透過藝術的交流。﹝按網上版本可以收聽及看兩人的聲音/視頻﹞ 再說一次,PinkWork不是一份報道甚麼新聞的雜誌,只是我貪得意弄出來的一份創作物品 ... 印刷版本將會推出...不過由於我用貓爪控制電腦滑鼠,比較慢...所以須要一點時間 ... Madeleine還送了一本簽名詩集給stephy,但我還未有空拿到她office ... 今次為何找stephy???因為常常有人說她寫的歌詞很抽象 ... 而Madeleine的詩也很抽象呢 ...

xanga-pinkwork#8-6 xanga-pinkwork#8-3 xanga-pinkwork#8-2 < madeleine & stephy

xanga-pinkwork#8-1 xanga-pinkwork#8-7 < stephy 's drawing, 靚唔靓呀?


stephy tang photo by holga ... pinkwork

love these photo by holga camera???? to read short news about stephy's coming album, u could click the ad. board carried by our pink airship in zone b or HERE . Also a very funny "Poem + Drawing" creation by stephy and madeleine is coming. yes, it's PinkWork #8 (not a magazine) ... 鄧麗欣明年二月出碟呀,詳情可到b區,按粉紅色飛船掛著的「廣告牌」或按 這裡 ... 找她其實主要是參與PinkWork #8 (這不是雜誌呀 ..呀...) 創作遊戲。今次她會畫一篇英文詩,很有趣 ... 別心急,大家很快會看到網上版本 ... sleeping-smiley-015



dv sponsored by jvc... pinkwork city

hee ... today my first time to use this hard-disk camrecorder sponsored by jvc... really convenient to use ... maybe in future it'll replace all my camera, sound and video recorders (it would be even better if its size could be reduced further ). ooh ... you could see a jvc "virtual" ad board in zone A & b of pinkwork city.

哈,今天首次使用jvc贊助粉紅城市的硬碟攝錄機 ... 用起來挺方便,將來它可能會取代我的相機、錄音及攝錄機 ﹝部機可以再細一點就最好﹞。﹝幫人﹞賣賣廣告,可以在我們Ab區見到jvc的虛擬廣告版 ... 都幾得意架 ... 隻飛船。

xanga-dv1 < who's she ... ha ha ...?


Bianca Wu 's third album ... pinkwork tv

a very talented jazz style (rare in hk ???) singer in hk, she'll release her third album. click the small tv set in zone b (on the right side) can meet her ...

走爵士風格的胡琳快將推出第三張專輯﹝好勤力喎,出道才一年﹞。按b 區右手邊的小電視機便可以碰見她 ... 繼績貪得意用holga為bianca拍照 ... 但相片有甚麼用途呢???惟有暫時放在這裡。sleeping-smiley-015

xanga-bianca2 xanga-bianca1 < bianca

pinkwork theatre / Focus FirstCuts / lee kung lok

hee ... don't miss this funny airship in zone b. One click the "big" ad. board can go to our virtual mushroom theatre. The latest film on screen is "My Mother is a Belly Dancer" by Lee Kung Lok, one of the six films of "Focus FirstCuts" project. well, it's an idea from our superstar Andy Lau who invited (invested) 6 budding film directors from Asia to shoot 6 long features. The recent big hit in china " Crazy Stone" is one of them ... Lee's been in the indie film circuit for nearly 10 years ... and a talkative & playful guy (can see from our theatre video) ...

別錯過b區這隻飛船 ﹝得意嗎??﹞。按下它掛著的廣告牌可以直達"蘑菇劇院"的入口。最新"上映"電影是李公樂執導﹝還有田蕊妮主演﹞的"師奶唔易做"。這其實是亞洲新星導計劃的六部電影之一。萬人迷偶像劉德華先生構思了這個計劃,分別投資六位亞洲新晉導演拍攝六部電影。前陣子在國內大熱的"瘋狂的石頭"及早前的"得閒飲茶"正是這計劃的作品。至於李公樂是誰?他是黃精甫的好友(一起拍過獨立電影"福伯"),已在獨立電影圈"生存"了近十年。他是一個很健談又貪玩的人(真好,非常配合pinkwork的風格),這些全都反映在劇院為他拍攝的video內,大家看看便知 ... 哈 ...

xanga-airship <


goodmorningloria ... pinkwork musicshop

is an indie music group formed in 2004 by three young talents Gloria Tang, Edmund Leung & tamtsui. Gloria, the group's vocal is a girl with sweet & lovely voice (no kidding, really very sweet ...). Edmund is a veteran musician & producer. tamtsui is a multimedia artist. They've just released their second album this year ... the album was out 3 months ago but promotion began this month ... speechless-smiley-010 ...anyway, go to our virtual musicshop in zone b can meet her ...

香港一隊三人組合,分別由主音Gloria, 資深音樂人Edmund及多媒體設計師tamtsui組成。組合(唯一)主音Gloria的聲線的確很甜美 ... 你單單聽她在pinkwork 音樂店的訪問也察覺得到。他們04年推出處女大碟 (還發行到台灣),事隔一年多於今年六月再推出第二張唱片。不過宣傳工作好像上月才開始 ... 哈...我也是上星期才聽見她上電台宣傳新歌 .... 下面長頭髮的gloria相片是她推出第一張碟時拍下的 ... (好像沒束起頭髮較靚女 ...) ... 因為是獨立音樂人,日間要上班,今次訪問是前天晚上11:00進行。好辛苦啊 .... 她 ....

xanga-goodmorningloria1 xanga-goodmorningloria2 xanga-goodmorningloria3 < gloria from goodmorningloria

xanga-goodmorningloria4 xanga-goodmorningloria6 < gloria & edmund


Kabo, a japanese female photographer ...

I'm doing the revamption work for Kabo 's home in Zone A of our city ... not a big change though ... you can see the difference mainly in page 2 ... who's Kabo ? A female portrait photographer from japan and you could see her works in many magazines in hk and japan. The most recent one in hk may be a printed ad for sportwear 'The North Face". This lady's never taken any photography class or won any competitiion. She seldom use "flash" ,,, and more prefer capture the natural light while doing her job. A surprise, isn't it ??????

正為Kobo在我們虛擬城市A區舊居裝修。其實沒有甚麼大改動,只是在第二頁加了些新東西。誰是Kabo?? 來自日本的女攝影師,拍攝人像為主。作品在香港及日本很多雜誌也會看見。近作是幫THE NORTH FACE影的平面廣告,由張震嶽當模特兒。她沒有讀過任何攝影課程及贏過任何比賽。作品的最大特色是甚少用閃燈拍攝,愛採用環境光線。好大謄呀,通常拍fashion硬照,攝影師都愛用好大好大好大個燈箱,總之光線柔和、穩穩陣陣、萬無一失 ..... 哈 ... 幫kabo拍完這兩張相,她隨即又飛了去東京 ...

xanga-kabo2 xanga-kabo1 < Kabo


more nonsense pinkwork photo ...

who're they ?? agnes b press manager, a cat in Qiu Hong's band room & stephanie ... she is eating noodle ...

agnes b的宣傳經理 (pinkwork不是傳媒呀), "秋紅" band房內一隻, 鄭融正吃上海麵 ...

xanga-120-1 xanga-120-2 xanga-120-3


stephanie cheng 's fourth album ...

a pop singer in hk and is known for her upbeat songs & hot dancing on stage. However this time it's her latest love song "red-green light" impressed me ..... .... go to zone b of our pinkwork city, you could hear Stephanie talking more about her coming new album ....

通常是碰到些甚麼得意﹝自己覺得﹞的作品,才會去找原作人做訪問,把他們的「製作經驗」搬進虛擬粉紅城市內 ... 哈 ... 今次是流行歌手鄭融那首新歌「紅綠燈」吸引了我... 她說原本歌詞不是講這個主題的,內容更慘 ... 想知更多stephanie新碟的構思,可以到我們b區,按一按「虛擬雜誌」封面 ... 自己去聽 / 睇吧 ....

xanga-stephanie1 xanga-stephanie3 xanga-stephanie4 xanga-stephanie5 < stephanie cheng


pinkwork novel (c) all rights reserved. REGISTERED & PUBLISHED

one day in the future ...
After a marathon debate which lasted for 80 uninterrupted hours, the World Parliament finally passed the controversial Bill of Absolute Freedom by 301 to 200 this morning. The main principle of the bill is all people in this world shall have the right to live the life they want+. No governments, legal entities, public or private media or religion leaders shall impose or make any laws or create any social pressure that would infringe this basic right of human beings directly or indirectly.
From that moment on (today 1:40 AM, the time this bill was ratified++ globally), the law of marriage in all countries automatically became invalid. The marriage status records of all people in all identity and legal docu. databases worldwide will be deleted. Also children who have reached full cognitive development (the actual age is case dependent) have the right to name their own names including their family names, and choose either to live with their parents or in any government approved caring center they like. Their parents shall not intervene their choices by any means. The law would not ban any people from holding wedding ceremony, children calling their parents mother and ather, but all these are no longer legal matters.
This morning thousands of supporters of the bill gathered in front of the gate of the "Liberty Tower " which is the headquarter of the World Parliament and the tallest building in the world to celebrate their victory. They all said it is a great leap in the history of human rights which makes all people can live their life at free will and creates a new world very close to heaven. They also named it the "Ultimate Freedom". However, opponents argued marriage and family unit are vital to the preservation of morals and civilization. This bill will demolish the foundation of all social values and make this world too close to hell.

+ provided they are not doing any acts which are against the public interest. 他們的行為沒有違反公眾利益.
++ became part of the world constitution 成為世界憲法一部份.

上面的虛擬日記早已在我們第5期 PinkWork (有stephy, dominique及kanatin參與), 城市內的日記xanga出版了。無辦法,夜假嘛,拿點舊東西交功課。緊記pinkwork不是一個新聞網(想睇新聞千萬別找我們,內容一點也不updated),所以經常有這些無聊東西放上來 .... 別見怪 ...


Qiu Hong, World Bands Battle Champion ...

Qiu Hong ( in chinese means Autumn Red ) is an indie rock band formed by five young talents in hk in 2002. Last year they defeated contestants from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, etc. and won the Global Championship of World Battle of the bands ...ooh ... hard to believe a hong kong band could win a world champion ... Click the "little red (autumn) leaf" on the desk of our pinkwork musicshop in zone b, you could meet them ....

上年贏得世界樂隊比賽全球總冠軍的本地獨立槳隊"秋紅"﹝嘩,好厲害喎﹞,剛推出首張個人大碟 ... 按我們 b區音樂店桌面那片"小紅葉",便可碰見他們 ... * pinkwork不是一個新聞網,通常我們碰見一些得意東西才會放進這個粉紅城市 .... tongue

xanga-qiuhong1bw xanga-qiuhong2bw xanga-qiuhong3bw xanga-qiuhong4bw xanga-qiuhong6< QiuHong