
A "handsome" female Singer Songwriter ~ Takki Wong 王若琪的新專輯

Takki Wong is a left-handed guitarist and Singer Songwriter, who released her debut EP album “Lunar Eclipse” in HK in 2008. Takki likes to dress gender neutral and do dark /Gothic rock music (a bit too alternative in HK ? ). Want to know more about her new ALBUM, go to pinkwork city mobile mini .
王若琪自08年推出首張EP 《Lunar Eclipse》之後,等了差不多三年,終於快將推出新專輯《救贖者》。今次還有一半歌曲是由她創作的。想她親自講解更多關於這張專輯的東西,可到「手機迷你」版pinkwork城市。

~~> http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1611

Visited illustrator KiKi Wong 's new Home Studio and her white Cats

visited Illustrator 插晝家 ~ KiKi Wong ( creator of comic character SEAMAN 海人) 's Home Studio, shot some photo and a video using my iTouch ... then had a Tea Set with her ... =^.^= ...
到訪插畫家~ KiKi Wong的新家居工作室﹝她就是漫畫人物 - 海人的創造者,亦常常幫舞台劇演員 - 彭秀慧的劇團設計海報﹞,用部iTouch為她及她的白貓拍了些相片及短片。

a Video of "Cheese N' Beer" 「芝士+ 啤酒」粉紅貓短片

MEOW, a funny Video shot by my iTouch during a City'super 's "Cheese N' Beer Pairings Tasting class" yesterday . Don't know why I would get invited, but a CAT also likes to eat cheese . The man in the video is a French cheese expert.
昨天參加City'super一個芝士+啤酒配搭試食會時,無無聊聊用部iTouch拍下的。不知道為何粉紅貓會被邀請﹝因為之前寫了篇Toy Camera稿?﹞,但芝士很好味,特別是「綠色」那隻,有washabi味道 ... 喵 。


林慧美開新食店,請粉紅貓食日牛涮涮鍋小短片 / writer May Lam 's new restaurant

meow, my human friend May Lam, a Japanese Culture writer / columnist just opened her new Shabu Shabu restaurant and invited me to have Lunch ( writer turned enterprise ?! ) ... delicious !
我的人類朋友 - 日本文化作家慧美剛開了她的一人一鍋自助日牛涮涮鍋店,中午請粉紅貓試食 ... 好味, 特別是那些鹿兒島和牛 ... =^o^=


visited Chloe @ Rainbow Gala hk Dojinshi 同人誌 Event 創辦人 – 小撒:「哝,粉紅貓…」

MEOW, yesterday visited the new studio/shop of Chloe, shot some photos and a superb FUNNY video. Chloe is the founder of HK Dojinshi Event “Rainbow Gala“. Want to know more about her, could go to pinkwork city mobile mini.

昨天終於有時間到訪﹝還是搞亂?﹞Rainbow Gala人誌即賣會創辦人 – 小撒的新店/ 工作室,隨便拍了些相片及一段非常好笑的「粉紅貓特色無聊小短片」。想知道更多小撒的往事及背景,可到手機迷你版 pinkwork city

> http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1531

past interview with Chloe (Flash required)
~~> pinkwork.com/book/rainbowgala.htm


Gin Lee ‘s first EP Album in HK 李幸倪:「粉紅貓,果然係… 」

Gin Lee, a singer-song-writer from Malaysia who studied vocal and music composition in the University. She gained fame by her appearance as a “PK challenger” in ” Super Idol” and “The Voice” singing contests (they’re respectively the HK and Taiwan version of “American Idol“) ... Want to sEE/hEAR her talking more about herself and her first HK album, you could go to pinkwork city.

是來自馬來西亞的創作歌手,因為現身台灣《超級偶像》及香港《超級巨聲》的踢館賽而成名。 今年她正式簽約香港的bma,並在香港推出首張EP專輯《Here I Come》。聽聽/看看她親
自介紹自己及新推出的EP,可到 ...

~ pinkwork.com/shortnews/ginlee.htm

or mobile mini version > pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1500


Art Movie starring 2 Cats in a vintage store 粉紅貓古著店貓短片創作

I’m not a BIG fan of Olympus PEN, though many of my human friends are (especially those young girls). It’s the “Weekend Weekly” magazine editor told me she borrowed a Lite PEN (E-PL3) from Olympus and asked whether I was interested to take it for a 1-week trail. Why Not? Almost at the same time, one of my friends who runs a vintage Store in Central said, the lovely tiger-striped cat at his store just born 4 new babies. So I suddenly came across a funny topic for my column, that is “Using lite PEN to shot little baby kitten” !

I was not writing a camera review article, but I have to say here the “tilt screen” function of E-PL3 is very useful when I used it to shoot cats at very low angle (close to the ground). Its light weight and small size also made me be able to shoot photo or video with one hand. See, below are photos and two very short “art movies starring cats using this little camera. WOULD I buy a PEN? Sorry, don’t get the money …

我不是Olympus PEN的粉絲,雖然身邊很多人類朋友是,特別是女孩子。不過是上星期《新假期》的編輯跟我講,她剛向Olympus借了一部輕巧版PEN E-PL3,問我有否興趣借去玩一個星期。有新機玩當然無問題啦!同一時間,一個在中環開古著店的朋友說,他店內那隻非常可愛的虎紋貓生了小貓。於是我忽然想到以此作專欄題目,就是「『輕巧』PEN影BB貓」。

雖然不是寫試用報告,但真的要在這裡讚一讚此機的「可反80度角觀景屏幕」功能非常有用,尤其是以超低角度﹝貼地﹞拍貓時候。另外因為機身輕、細,我單手也可拿著相機拍攝相片及短片,另一隻手可用來打燈。看看,下面就是我用這部細小相機拍下的相片及甚有藝術味道的貓貓短片 … 會買這部機嗎?沒有多餘錢啊 …

more photos ~ http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1451

Why SiuFay took so long to make his new Album? 小肥的新專輯

SiuFay started off as a “demo” singer. He also formed a music group “C-Plus” and had performed in the Macau pub circuit for many years. In 2007 he signed with a big Label and released his debut album The First Album Of Siufay. During the recent years, he also appeared in many movies and theater performances. However, it has been nearly two years since his second album in Festival Traveler in 2009. He said his third album will be OUT very soon. Why he took so long to make an Album? Click the link below could sEE/hEAR he talking about the details.

自從2009年的第二張專輯《Festival Traveler》後,小肥徐智勇﹞已近兩年沒有出新唱片。他說純粹因為自己要求高,加上和新監製黃尚偉合作,要時間磨合,後期已愈來愈順暢。所以他的新專輯《黃昏音樂會》終於錄音完成,快將面世。今次歌路會有少許改變 … 想聽/看看他親自講解,可到下面手機迷你版pinkwork city…

~ http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1427

an Audiophile album singer who sings new songs ~ Philip Wei 發燒碟歌手─韋雄

Audiophile singers like to sing cover versions of those big-hit songs. I guess one of the reasons is, it could give the listeners a standard or reference to make comparison, well, between voices of different singers. Philip Wei just released a new audiophile album titled “Phil/Harmonic“, most of the songs in the album are new songs ... Click the link below could hEAR him talking more about his new album.

那些發燒碟歌手都喜歡翻唱一些經典舊歌。我估原因之一是,那些音響發燒友想有一個標準或者參考,去比較不同演繹者的聲音。不過,韋雄剛推出的新碟《Phil/Harmonic》,十四首歌之中只有兩首是舊歌。 ... 想聽/看看他親自講解此碟的製作過程 …可到「迷你手機版」pinkwork城市。

~ http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1389

Use Holga To Capture a Feeling 用Holga捕捉感覺﹝HotCha, 《新假期》專欄﹞

That should be the original title of my latest article in my column in this issue (630, p130~131) of “Weekend Weekly” magazine. Actually it means “feeling” towards the people (being photographed) and about a place (the shooting site) . The editor later changed it to “capture HotCha (name of this hk pop dance & sing group )”, well, I agree this new title is much more attractive to the readers. Though I’m quite good at shooting people, I seldom wrote about portrait photography … since I want to experiment with other interesting topics, like photograph food, animals, bugs, scenery … etc. in this column.

This time is special, cause the three girls@HotCha were so excited in front of my “holga” camera (never been photographed by a CAT before ?!), so photos came out are all so natural and fit this title … …

這原本是我今期﹝第 630期, 130~131頁﹞《新假期》專欄的標題﹝懶特別、虛無飄渺 ﹞,「感覺」是指對人﹝被攝者﹞及場地﹝拍攝地點﹞的感覺。雜誌編輯其後將之改成「捕捉HotCha」,又的確會更吸引讀者。雖然我經常拍攝人﹝類﹞,卻甚少以此做文章主題。因為想在此欄目試驗多些新鮮題材,例如影食物、動物、蟲蟲等等。



a Radio Host x a Dream Interpreter, PINKWORK video / E記 x 夢妮妲, 粉紅貓小短片

meow, just helped my friend “Monita” who is a quite famous Dream Interpreter / Yahoo Columnist in HK to promote her new BOOK, and shot this funny video yesterday. Monita also invited her best friend EKee (Evita Wong) to appear on this video. EKee is a Radio Personality cum Pop Singer. She hosts a popular and alternative late-night radio talk show about some pseudo-scientific or fringe beliefs subjects such as dream interpretation, out-of-body experience, heaven songs, etc.. That’s why these two ladies could be friends. Monita has also been a guest in EKee ‘s radio program several times … Back to Monita ‘s new book, GO to mobile mini version of pinkwork city could sEE/hEAR the details …

幫朋友﹝貓都有?﹞夢妮妲宣傳新書《發你第二個夢》,昨天拍了這些有趣小短片。夢妮妲是一名解夢師,曾經幫很多明星、名人解夢,出席電台節目及幫《東 Touch》、Yahoo撰寫專欄。她更找來好朋友,903的電台主持E記﹝伊維特﹞客串演出粉紅貓的「古怪」小短片。說回夢妮妲的新書,想知詳細內容,可到手機迷你版pinkwork城市收看/聽 …

~~> http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1322

MEOW... a Canadian singer-song-writer / actress ~ Cory Lee 來自加拿大的創作歌手

meow ... PINKCAT introduces you all a Canadian singer-song-writer and actress, Cory Lee who was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada to a Chinese mother and German father. At age 15 she joined a 3-girl group named Ris-K and was offered a record deal by a big label. Unfortunately one of the group members said she wanted to get married and had baby, so everything ended suddenly. That also made Cory get the “Fire” to do her solo Album. After several years, Cory finally get a deal with Universal Music to put out her new Album worldwide. During this past few years, Cory has actually done a lot of things, such as releasing several successful singles including the big hit “The Naughty Song” , playing the role of Karma in the TV series “Instant Star“, and Miss Oh on “Degrassi” . Want to hEAR/sEE this music and acting talent talking about herself and her upcoming new album, you could go to my pink virtual city.

粉紅貓又找了一位有趣的人類做訪問。她就是加拿大的創作歌手及演員Cory Lee。 她的母親是中國人,父親是德國人。本來幾年前,Cory已跟另外兩名少女組成了一隊組合Ris-K,並獲得一間國際唱片公司簽約出唱片。不過其中一位成員 卻突然說要結婚生孩子,結果一切發展要停頓。經此一役,Cory更加決心要出版自己的個人唱片。經過幾年的努力,今年她終於能夠和環球唱片合作,將於年底推出全新唱片,並開始了她的亞洲宣傳之旅。其實過去幾年Cory也做了很多事情,包括推出了多首極受歡迎的單曲,如非常流行的「The Naughty Song」、在北美高收視電視劇集《Instant Star》及《Degrassi》中擔任主要角式等等。想聽聽/看看Cory親自介紹自己及講解快將面世的新專輯,可到我的粉紅城市 …

FULL CITY Version (Flash required)
~~> pinkwork.com/shortnews/corylee.htm

a very popular Taiwanese Indie Band ~ Echo 台灣回聲樂團:「粉紅貓,不要走 …」

Echo, a very popular Taiwanese Indie Band originated from a “Music Group” in the University. The four members released their highly-acclaimed debut album in 2002 while they were studying in the University. After graduation, they continued their music path and gradually accumulated a massive fans base ... WANT to hEAR/sEE them talking more about this, could go to my pink virtual city now.

在的回聲》全台100場巡迴,09年與國際環保組織綠色和平合作舉行「處女空氣」演唱會,10年推出第三張專輯《處女空氣》 … …想聽聽/看看他們親自講更多,可到我的粉紅城市 … 喵。

FULL CITY Version (Flash required)
~~> http://pinkwork.com/shortnews/echo.htm

an OLD interview of them in 2005 in
~~> pinkwork musicshop


Ella Koon, "a Song wrote by myself..." 官恩娜「唔知粉紅貓會唔會 …?」

meow MEOW … HK pop singer cum actress Ella Koon just released her new EP album 《Take A Shine to》 and as usual (since she was a newcomer) I would do an interview with her, shoot some photos and a funny video. This time there is something special, inside the album has a Song wrote by herself. To sEE/hEAR her talking more about this, go to …

官恩娜又出新EP《Take A Shine to》了,一如以往﹝自她初出道開始﹞,粉紅貓都會走去跟她做訪問、拍些相片,包括正常的及Holga相、影一段無無聊聊了小短片。今次比較特別的是,EP內有一首歌《依依》,是她自己用結他作曲的。想看看 / 聽聽她講講更多,按下面的連結 … :idea:

FULL CITY Version (Flash required)
~~> pinkwork.com/shortnews/ella11.htm

Regen@HotCha 's Farewell Message, superb Funny ! 在粉紅貓鏡頭前的離別話

want to hEAR/sEE this HK popular sing & dance girl group talking about their new EP album and a farewell message from one of the group members ~ Regen, who will go to Australia to study English and music for 1~2 years, you could touch the “pink” city ‘s link below.

HotCha (in Cantonese means “Hot Tea”) is a successful girl group formed in 2007, comprised of three young girls, namely Regen, Winkie, Crystal. They were all singing or dance competition winners. To date they’ve released 5 albums and won many music awards. What a surprise, Regen suddenly announced last month that she will leave the group for 1~2 years and go to Australia to study.

MEOW, pinkcat has never interviewed HotCha before, cause I’m more into electronic and new age music. I really want to include their voices and feelings in my city once I heard this news. Yes, pinkwork city is a new media artwork about interesting people! During the interview it might be easy to make them crying in front of the camera … well, keep asking them to say about their feeling, memories, etc..

I don’t want to do that, instead I want them to share more about their happiness from the past and expected happiness in the future ! So that’s why you would see this superb FUNNY video below. :P

粉紅貓從未訪問過HotCha這隊出道了五年多的跳舞組合的,因為貓的喜好較特別,比較喜歡古古怪怪﹝甚至沒有人聲﹞的電子及new age音樂。不過上月,成員Regen突然宣佈會於九月離隊一至兩年,就引起我這隻貓的興趣。因為pinkwork city本身就是一件關於「人」的新媒體藝術作品,對於那些有個性的「人類」特別感興趣 。

訪問時,粉紅貓也不想故意問她們的心情,搞喊她們了,反而想引導她們講些開心的東西,未來也可以是令人興奮的 … 所以大家便會見到下面那條極之玩野的短片 … 喇 … 想聽聽/看看她們親自講更多,可按下面的粉紅城市連結。

FULL CITY Version (Flash required)
~~> pinkwork.com/shortnews/hotcha.htm


photos of several Humans by my Holga 拍的幾個人類的相片...

MEOW, they are SimShie Tran (a music talent from Netherlands) and Cherie Q (a newcomer pop singer) ... 她們分別是來自荷蘭的創作歌手陳心詩及一位女新人歌手喬樂頤 ﹝跟方皓文、RedNoon等是同公司的﹞ …

sound, photo & video of SimShie
~~> http://www.pinkwork.com/shortnews/simshie.htm

HOLGA photo & video of Cherie Q 喬樂頤 .


Holga Food photo Experiment @ agnès b. café 用Holga拍攝食物相片實驗

MEOW, special thank to agnès b. for allowing me to do the experiemnt at their café. I just told their PRs I (a CAT from pinkwork city) would like to do some shooting experiment using my Holga plastic camera at their cafe. They were so nice and asked whether they had to prepare some specially-made cakes for my shooting. Well, it’s not necessary cause the cakes on their shop are already very colorful.

You might question how could I use this plastic camera to shoot close-up or macro photo. Its closest focus length is 0.7 m! Of course my Holga have to put on a Macro or Close-up Lens (bought from Holga shop, just HK$68 per set). To know more about how I shot these photo, could see my article in this issue (624, p122~p123) of “Weekend Weekly” magazine. Yes, since the experiment result is quite good, I decided to write an article about this in my “Weekend Weekly” magazine ‘s column.

真的要多謝 agnès b.公關們的幫忙,原本粉紅貓只不過是通知她們,我打算在她們的銅鑼灣café內﹝貪那裡有黑白階磚地板﹞,用Holga塑膠相機做些「食物拍攝實驗」。 「放心,我只用一些Lo-fi器材,佔用餐廳一小角落,絕不會騷擾到她們的客人的」當時我跟她們說。

誰知她們十分好人,還問我要不要特別製 作一些蛋糕給我拍攝。當然不用了,她們店內已有很多七彩繽紛的蛋糕。你可能奇怪Holga最近的拍攝焦距是0.7米左右,怎可能用來拍微距或近距的食物 相?方法是套上一塊在「Holga專門店」有售,只是HK$68大元的塑膠微距或近攝鏡片。

結果,出來的相片依然有Holga相的「原始」風味,所以決定在我《新假期》的專欄稿,寫這個主題。想知詳情,可看看今期﹝第624期,122 ~ 123頁﹞這篇稿啦。

PINKCAT ‘s other Articles in “Weekend Weekly 新假期”
~~> pinkmessage.com/city/archives/1028



Radio Personality cum pop Singer ~ EKee 綵排中, 要趕走粉紅貓。

Evita Wong nicknamed EKee, is a popular radio personality in HK. She is an art school graduate and now working as a radio host in CRHK. At the end of this year, she'll probably has one more identity, that's being a pop singer. Yes, she'll release her debut EP album soon. Last Friday EKee just finished her first solo show. PINKCAT came to watch her rehearsal and shot a short video & snapping some photos. Want to sEE/hEAR more about this, go to my "pink" city. 商台903DJ/主持人E記﹝黃承恩,Evita Wong﹞年底將會推出首張EP,上星期五更在「天比高」搞了一場「圍你音樂會」,算是她的首個個人騷。八掛的粉紅貓走了去看她綵排,即場拍了一段短片及一些相片,想聽/看﹝聲音及相片﹞更多詳細內容,可到我的「粉紅城市」... 喵。


* the one below is photo by my HOLGA plastic camera ...


HOLGA Fruit photos 水果寫真 - MACRO Lens Experiment Part 2 / pinkwork

MEOW ... used my Holga with a newly-bought plastic MARO Lens to shoot a few Fruit photos.



HKFYG x pinkwork 's Talk Section at HK BOOK FAIR 2011 last night ... VIDEO !

Last night pinkwork just had a 「Sharing Talk」section with HKFYG (HK Federation of Youth Groups) in HK Book Fair at Kubrick 's booth ... For this 1-hr talk section, we made a video for loop playing on the big TV behind us, take a LOOK...
昨晚我pinkwork剛和香港青年協會的《青年 空間》雜誌於書展舉行了1小時的「對談」活動。因為怕聽眾悶,特​別製作了一段片在現場大電視不停播放 ... 用完了,放上來給大家看看。


Taiwanese androgynous girl group 台灣中性女子樂團 ~ MISSTER 驚見粉紅貓 !

A human friend of pinkcat (a young HK girl) just immigrated to Taiwan and is working as a freelance PR for many music groups there. She introduced this rising androgynous girl group “MISSTER” to me.

A group formed by Diana Tai who is the lead vocal and became popular through “One Million Star II” (Taiwan version of American Idol). She then opened a record label herself and along with the other four members, namely Chiao, Chris, Milk and Carol, formed this music group. They’ve just released their debut album 《特先生》last month and received a great response from critics and audience from Asia.

WANT to hEAR/sEE them talking more about their music, could go to my pinkwork city.

粉紅貓一位剛「移民」到了台灣的人類朋友﹝一位香港女孩﹞介紹這隊中性女子組合給我認識的 …


在加拿大修讀錄音工程的戴安娜花了很多心思在樂團的首張專輯《特先生》上。雖然女子中性的路線一直不被看好,但專輯推出之後大獲好評,連行內人也讚好呢 … 想聽聽/看看她們親自講解新專輯的意念及製作過程,可到pinkwork city。

~~> http://www.pinkwork.com/shortnews/misster.htm

* meow ... above are photo of these talented girls by my HOLGA camera !


night photos of ICC & IFC (two HK skyscrapers ) by my Holga / PINKWORK !

MEOW … photos of ICC (a skyscraper in HK), shot by my Holga plastic camera last Monday while under Fierce Attack from mosquitoes … 被惡蚊猛針下,上星期一用Holga拍的夜景ICC﹝環球貿易廣場﹞相片 …

Shooting ICC had to tolerate many many Mosquitoes’ stings … Shooting another skyscraper ~ IFC was a much more enjoyable experience. See, these are photo I shot a few years ago … very artistic !

影ICC要捱蚊針,反而影它的姊姊大廈IFC﹝國際金融中心﹞就舒服得多。看,這就是幾年前用Holga拍下的 … 好藝術啊!


my Articles about Holga photography in “Weekend Weekly” 在《新假期》寫的專欄稿。

MEOW, I’ll write a series of articles about Holga photography in “Weekend Weekly“, a very popular Travel and Food magazine in Hong Kong. In this column they would invite different photography artists to participate and I might be the only CAT (not human) invited by them … my honor !

粉紅貓會在《新假期》周刊專欄寫關於HOLGA攝影的稿,得閒留意一下啦。該專欄他們每期會邀請不同的「攝影達人」﹝貓?!是唯一一隻 …真是我的榮幸 ﹞參與,所以久不久便會輪到我寫。下面是已出版的。

* these photos might not be large enough to let you read these articles clearly, if so you have to buy a hard-copy magazine. 這些相片可能不夠大,讓你看清楚內容,那麼你便要花錢買一本真雜誌了。

Issue 615, page 130~131 Using HOLGA to shoot a Motion MOVIE

Issue 612, page 130~131


my first Holga Movie "Freedom of Laziness"!我用Holga相機拍的首套短片。

MEOW, some new stuff by PINKCAT, this movie trailer was shot by my Holga 120 plastic camera, of course I’ve to do some very low-tech modification.

It’s a trailer only, will finish this movie (art project) if I got some free time and find a “suitable” person to be the lead actress and do the music for the movie. Special thank to Hina for her guest appearance in this trailer (though just 3 seconds). This girl is also a talented photography and painting artist.

Freedom of Laziness” is actually a creative writing project by me, it’s about a fictional future world … one day in the future


多謝Hina客串這條預告片的演出﹝雖然只出鏡了3秒 ﹞。這位中日混血兒本身也是一位攝影及繪畫藝術家,很切合「Freedom of Laziness」的主題啊!遲些有空,又找到合適的人當主角﹝兩、三分鐘的片都要主角?﹞及為電影配樂 … 便會完成這套短片。這其實是跟我的一項文字創作有關的,一個幻想出來的未來世界,看看下面 ….

~~> http://virtualdiaries.blogspot.com


writer May Lam demonstrated Knife & Cutting technique 林慧美批蘿蔔薄片示範 ......

my human friend, writer May Lam 's already joined the VTC 's Japanese cooking class for nearly 3 weeks. Though she has to wake up 7:00am every morning these days and her classmates are all post-90s teenagers (She's already an adult, of course), her insistence finally paid off (really ?). She was chosne among the other 6 classmates by her teacher ~ Tayaka ISHIZUKA (former executive chef of the renowned Nadaman restaurant) to demonstrate Japanese Knife & Cutting technique in HOFEX exhibition ... SEE, these are photos I took an hour ago on the site, May looked very professional!

,日本旅遊作家林慧美已修讀了VTC的日本烹飪課程三個星期。現在她每天要早上七時起床,由佐敦去天水圍上堂,身邊的同學全是十幾廿歲的小朋友﹝而她早已成年,應該是掛 ?!﹞不過她的堅持沒有白費,今次就被老師~石塚隆也﹝前「灘萬」日本料理總廚﹞選中,在HOFEX餐飲業展覽會內示範刀功﹝批白蘿蔔薄片﹞。她今早傳來短訊叫粉紅貓到來支持,自然要去支持一下﹝其實也是出於八掛﹞。看,這便是1小時前在現場拍下的相片 ... * 拍攝時身旁有一位同學笑她批的薄片崩了一小角,而她只冷冷回應一句:「哈,你不明白我地d精英班的壓力了!」 ... 懶係「專業」咁 !

* 與老師合照,May扮晒正經 ...


The "rock" side of the creator of YouTube big hit "canto" cult song 「小明」創造人搖滾一面

Pui Ching Ho, a graduate of UK Cambridge University with a master degree in Information Technology. Since he came back to HK nearly two years ago, he devoted most of his time, well, not to looking for a high-paid IT job but his pursuit of music dream. Last year he self-produced and published his debut album, but sadly very few people appreciated or even noticed his album. Last year he helped his friend Wai Yin (a veteran children’s songs composer) to produce a song titled “Siu Ming goes to Guangzhou” for Dr. Lee Ka Yan, a paediatrician doctor cum amateur children’s singer in hk. What a surprise (irony), this song with simple melody and lyrics became a BIG HIT in Youtube last year!

“In the past, I posted my songs to Youtube and just attracted hundreds of views. And this simple song got millions of views ! I won’t be disappointed, cause it’s also one of my creations. Most importantly, I think the audience have the right to choose what they like to listen.”, said Pui Ching.

Though this song is a great success, Pui Ching insists on his music style (mainly UK pop rock). Last month he just released his second album “Shimmer of Dawn” in the name of his band “White Dimension“. Want to know the ‘ROCK” side of this successful children’s song producer? go to pinkwork city mobile mini version

sound, video, photo ~~> pinkmessage.com/city/archives/960

網上大熱的「兒歌」《小明上廣州》《小明去東莞》的監製何沛澄,其實年多前已自資出過一張專輯,可惜沒有很多人認識。這位英國劍橋大學「資料科技」碩士生,其實喜歡玩英國搖滖風格的音樂,上年「無心插柳」幫李家仁醫生製作歌曲,竟然成為百萬VIEWS的youtube歌曲影片,連他也多了人認識。不過他也堅持自己的音樂風格﹝沒有走去創作兒歌 ﹞,最近又自資出版了第二張專輯Shimmer of Dawn》,今次是以自己樂隊「White Dimension」名義出版。想知這位「小明」創造人的搖滾,可到pinkwork city 手機迷你版看看/聽聽