
writer May Lam demonstrated Knife & Cutting technique 林慧美批蘿蔔薄片示範 ......

my human friend, writer May Lam 's already joined the VTC 's Japanese cooking class for nearly 3 weeks. Though she has to wake up 7:00am every morning these days and her classmates are all post-90s teenagers (She's already an adult, of course), her insistence finally paid off (really ?). She was chosne among the other 6 classmates by her teacher ~ Tayaka ISHIZUKA (former executive chef of the renowned Nadaman restaurant) to demonstrate Japanese Knife & Cutting technique in HOFEX exhibition ... SEE, these are photos I took an hour ago on the site, May looked very professional!

,日本旅遊作家林慧美已修讀了VTC的日本烹飪課程三個星期。現在她每天要早上七時起床,由佐敦去天水圍上堂,身邊的同學全是十幾廿歲的小朋友﹝而她早已成年,應該是掛 ?!﹞不過她的堅持沒有白費,今次就被老師~石塚隆也﹝前「灘萬」日本料理總廚﹞選中,在HOFEX餐飲業展覽會內示範刀功﹝批白蘿蔔薄片﹞。她今早傳來短訊叫粉紅貓到來支持,自然要去支持一下﹝其實也是出於八掛﹞。看,這便是1小時前在現場拍下的相片 ... * 拍攝時身旁有一位同學笑她批的薄片崩了一小角,而她只冷冷回應一句:「哈,你不明白我地d精英班的壓力了!」 ... 懶係「專業」咁 !

* 與老師合照,May扮晒正經 ...


The "rock" side of the creator of YouTube big hit "canto" cult song 「小明」創造人搖滾一面

Pui Ching Ho, a graduate of UK Cambridge University with a master degree in Information Technology. Since he came back to HK nearly two years ago, he devoted most of his time, well, not to looking for a high-paid IT job but his pursuit of music dream. Last year he self-produced and published his debut album, but sadly very few people appreciated or even noticed his album. Last year he helped his friend Wai Yin (a veteran children’s songs composer) to produce a song titled “Siu Ming goes to Guangzhou” for Dr. Lee Ka Yan, a paediatrician doctor cum amateur children’s singer in hk. What a surprise (irony), this song with simple melody and lyrics became a BIG HIT in Youtube last year!

“In the past, I posted my songs to Youtube and just attracted hundreds of views. And this simple song got millions of views ! I won’t be disappointed, cause it’s also one of my creations. Most importantly, I think the audience have the right to choose what they like to listen.”, said Pui Ching.

Though this song is a great success, Pui Ching insists on his music style (mainly UK pop rock). Last month he just released his second album “Shimmer of Dawn” in the name of his band “White Dimension“. Want to know the ‘ROCK” side of this successful children’s song producer? go to pinkwork city mobile mini version

sound, video, photo ~~> pinkmessage.com/city/archives/960

網上大熱的「兒歌」《小明上廣州》《小明去東莞》的監製何沛澄,其實年多前已自資出過一張專輯,可惜沒有很多人認識。這位英國劍橋大學「資料科技」碩士生,其實喜歡玩英國搖滖風格的音樂,上年「無心插柳」幫李家仁醫生製作歌曲,竟然成為百萬VIEWS的youtube歌曲影片,連他也多了人認識。不過他也堅持自己的音樂風格﹝沒有走去創作兒歌 ﹞,最近又自資出版了第二張專輯Shimmer of Dawn》,今次是以自己樂隊「White Dimension」名義出版。想知這位「小明」創造人的搖滾,可到pinkwork city 手機迷你版看看/聽聽