
古波斯拜火教..香港總壇實地錄音!Zoroastrianism in Hong Kong : Ervad Homyar x 夢妮妲 x Zeke Li [ PINKWORK Radio Art ]

pinkcat@pinkwork™ city ‘s “abducted” human (research target) ~ Zeke Li who is an expert on Gnosticism said during his last “abduction”, according to his study, early Christianity or Judaism didn’t has the concept of good and evil. The religious dualism in modern Christianity might probably be a result of the influence of Zoroastrianism. That made me interested in this ancient Iranian religion, and so abducted Zeke & celebrity dream interpreter Dreamonita once again. This time I brought them to Zoroastrian Center Hong Kong and let them have a direct chat with priest (Ervad) Homyar G. Nasirabadwala in their prayer hall. Want to have an in-depth understanding of this ancient religion, click the link below. 

正是早前被外星生命體pinkwork™粉紅貓「虜拐」來研究的人類,本身是靈知派基督教Gnosticism專家的Zeke Li講過,早期基督教根本沒有魔鬼及善惡對立的二元概念。他相信是受古波斯拜火教Zoroastianism﹝祆教 ﹞影響,後期的基督教、猶太教才出現魔鬼及地獄,忽然引起對這遠古宗教的興趣。所以今次特別再一次「綁架」Zeke及星級解夢師夢妮妲,來到「拜火教」香港總壇跟他們的祭師Homyar G. Nasirabadwala 作直接對談。究竟事實是否如Zeke所說的一樣呢?想更深入了解這古宗教,按/點下面的連結。﹝* 英文版本非常詳細,當天錄了足足兩小時,強烈見議各位人類聽聽。﹞

> http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/1168 

Since priest Ervad Homyar doesn't want this story posted on YouTube, this time the feature 's Audio is only available at "pinkwork.com/radio". Below is just an introductory trailer ... 因為祭師不想我們把內容放上YouTube,所以今次沒有YouTube撮要版本。真不好意思啊!雖然我是外星生命,也要尊重人類的。下面只是簡介短片。