
hk girl group 女子組合As One ‘s debut EP album 出處女專輯前..心情。

As One is a HK dance group comprised of 4 girls namely Elfa, Shin, Nata & Oli. They are all students of Sunny Wong (hk pop star Aaron Kwok ‘s choreographer). After nearly a year of intensive training, they’ve already released three songs and their self-titled debut EP album will be OUT next month … want to sEE/hEAR them talking more about their feelings, dance and music style, could now go to pinkwork™ city

香港女子跳唱組合As One經過星級排舞師Sunny Wong近一年的密集訓練之後,已先後推出了三首跳舞歌,分別是《catch me up》、《Red Hot Hits 2013》及《4ever》。另外,她們的處女同名EP專輯Box Set《AsOnE》亦將在下月面世 …想聽/看她們講講目前的心情及新碟的內容﹝聲音、相片及視頻﹞,可到pinkwork™虛擬城市 …


OR mobile mini 手機迷你版 city

AsOne, do we believe Aliens exist ? 我們信不信外星人存在?
a PINKWORK Video 小短片 ...
