
火火 搞舞台劇辛酸史..勁蝕的《大世界》a pinkwork™ video of theater director Fire Lee & Otto

MEOW … a video I just shot yesterday, about two interesting Humans. Film/theater director Fire Lee Ka Wing and Otto Wong, who is a renowned choreographer cum member of hk pop dance group EO2 formed “61 production” in 2005. Since then they've produced several very successful theater dramas ... Want to sEE/hEAR them talking more about their bad and good experience on producing self-financed theater plays, could go to pinkwork city mobile mini ..

電影及舞台劇導演火火和跳舞組合Otto在05年組成「61制作」,目的就是要製作他們自己喜歡的舞台劇,而且堅持不拿政府資助,全部自資。雖然頭炮製作很成功,不過並不是就此一帆風順。09年的《大世界》,就令他們嘗到台上演員的數目,比台下的觀眾還要多的慘痛經歷。想看/聽他們講講自己同時身為演員、導演及投資者的舞台經驗,可到手機迷你版pinkwork 虛擬城市 ...


火火 Fire Lee, Do I believe Aliens exist?
信不信外星人存在?  a PINKWORK Video