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How to use Hebrew letters to create a Golem 古猶太「魔像」製法✩?
MEOW, ancient Jewish book "Sefer Yetzirah" (also named The Book of
Creation) speaks of 231 gates through which the world was created. These
gates are not so mysterious, just formed by pairing the 22 hebrew
letters. There is a myth / legend / rumour ... that humans could use
these gates to bring "life" to a clay body ~ the so called Golem. How?
Scanning and reading (right to left, top down) these "gates" ~ that are letters inside the triangle (yeah, I've drawn these letter combination as a graphic chart ), you "might" be able to connect to the creative force of Hebrew letters.
My human friend ~ comic artist KiKi Wong told me she want to have a
try, hoping to make Seaman (a sea sponge & comic character created
by her) become a living Golem. Good luck, and look forward to her result