
新人歌手Cga池希 ~✶pinkwork™ video of a HK newcomer pop singer

pinkwork™外星生命體又「綁架人類研究」系列。今次目標是是舞蹈員/舞蹈老師,幾年前已簽約唱片公司,一直等到今年才有機會推出新歌《我會好的 I’ll be alright》、、《慈禧不是我》的2015年新人歌手Cga池希。

Extraterrestrial ~ pinkwork™ entity ‘s Human Abduction Video Series : Target ▶ Cga is a dancer and 2015 newcomer singer in HK. Though she’s signed to a record label several years ago, she has to wait until this year to release her two new songs ... FULL Story, simply click

> http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/2974

✶ photos of Cga 池希 by my HOLGA plastic toy camera ..

Cga池希, Do I believe Aliens 外星生命 exist?