
「玩爆你個腎」的Kevin仔﹝KB﹞秘密練聲短片 pinkwork™ Abduction Video of a band drummer and YouTube prankster ➸ KidneyBuster 's Kevin Boy

pinkwork™外星生命體又「捉」了一個人類來研究✶,就是「整蠱」Youtube頻道 ~「玩爆你個腎」的Kevin仔﹝KB﹞。他亦是LMF、Hardpack、Kinglychee...等樂隊的鼓手 ~ 今次趁他為自己首個人個人show ‪《情義兩難全 玩爆你個Live》 ✩秘密練﹝開﹞聲時將來「綁架」 ...

Extraterrestrial ~ pinkwork™ entity 's Human Abduction Video Series : Target ▶ Kevin Boy is drummer of legendary Hong Kong underground hip-hop band LMF & also a YouTube prankster. On his hugely popular channel ‪#‎KidneyBuster‬, you could see "victims" include many pop artists / celebs in HK ... ENJOYs ... 喵。✹

FULL Story

Kevin Boy (KB) "Do I believe Aliens exist? pinkwork™ entity is one of Them?"

Secret symbols in MADONNA 's Tour 
 ✹ pinkwork™ Explanation Video