
"Frankenstein" & the ancient Jewish 231 Gates (of Creation) "Magic Ring" ~a pinkwork™ video explanation

Just came across the trailer of coming movie “Victor Frankenstein”  電影《科學怪人:創生之父》預告片~ a 2015 adaptation of the famous novel by Mary Shelley, it reminds me the ancient Jewish mysticism Kabbalah 古猶太神秘學卡巴拉 's "magic ring" ~ the 231 Gate of Creation 創造之門. How these two things are related 兩者有何關係? 

There are rumors saying this novel was actually inspired by the Jewish legends of Golem 魔像, an artificial semi-human made out of clay and brought to life by some kind of magic... And the trick/magic to enliven a clay figure are hidden 隱藏於 in ancient Jewish texts 古猶太經典 “Sefer Yetzirah” (The Book of Creation/Formation《 創造之書》).  HOW? just by pairing the 22 letters of Hebrew alphabet 希伯來文的廿二個字母 ... Check my detailed explanation in ... ✶~▷


✡ video explanation

✹ Mystical Symbols in MADONNA 's Tour

more in my (pinkwork entity 生命體's) new physical BOOK 實體新書 ~《New Age人神秘經驗檔案》, literally means “Files of New Age People’s Mystical Experiences“ in English
  http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/1287 .


新人歌手Cga池希 ~✶pinkwork™ video of a HK newcomer pop singer

pinkwork™外星生命體又「綁架人類研究」系列。今次目標是是舞蹈員/舞蹈老師,幾年前已簽約唱片公司,一直等到今年才有機會推出新歌《我會好的 I’ll be alright》、、《慈禧不是我》的2015年新人歌手Cga池希。

Extraterrestrial ~ pinkwork™ entity ‘s Human Abduction Video Series : Target ▶ Cga is a dancer and 2015 newcomer singer in HK. Though she’s signed to a record label several years ago, she has to wait until this year to release her two new songs ... FULL Story, simply click

> http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/2974

✶ photos of Cga 池希 by my HOLGA plastic toy camera ..

Cga池希, Do I believe Aliens 外星生命 exist?