
《巨聲2》陳慧敏﹝慧敏哥﹞的處女EP專輯 Vivian Chan, from contestant to recording artist

Vivian Chan from Macau attended “The Voice” Season 2 singing competition (HK) in 2010 and made it to top 10 before leaving. Though she was not the final winner, her performance on the show had already gained her popularity, and most importantly earned her a record deal. After nearly two-years, her debut self-titled EP album is finally OUT this month ... Detailed Story in mobile mini pinkwork™ city ...

來自澳門的陳慧敏慧敏哥﹞,因為參加《超級巨聲2》而受人認識。經過兩年多的努力,她的處女同名EP專輯今個月終於面世 ... 詳細內容可到手機迷你版pinkwork™城市收看/聽。

>  http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/2867




動物傳心術 真/假? Animal Communication : Rannes文恩澄 x 夢妮妲 x Samantha : [ PINKWORK™ Radio Art ]

This time extraterrestrial life ~ pinkcat@pinkwork™ city ‘s Human Research topic is “Animal Communication“, that means to look at how human communicate with animals through Telepathy ... Three “abducted” humans for my research are Samatha Yu (animal communicator), Dreamonita (celebrity dream interpreter / columnist) and Rannes Man (singer-song-writer / radio host ) who took an animal communication course a year ago ... Want to hEAR/sEE these three humans chatting more about this topic, could go to PINKWORK™ Radio Art

 今次外星生命體pinkwork™粉紅貓的興趣來到人類的動物,應該是「動物傅心術」... 三位被我活捉來做研究的人類分別是,動物傳心術師及導師Samantha Yu、創作歌手、主持及親身上過動物傳心術課程的Rannes文恩澄,當然還有星級解夢師及yahoo專欄作家夢妮妲 ... 想聽/看看三位人類談談此題目,可到PINKWORK™ Radio Art ...


魔鬼●伊甸園●外星實驗 Gnosticism Part II ~ Devil, EKee (Evita Wong) x Zeke Li : PINKWORK™ Radio Art

Extraterrestrial life ~ pinkcat@pinkwork™ city ‘s research on human ancient religion ~ Gnosticism (Part II) … this time I abducted theater creative director cum “Bible specialist” Zeke Li again, together with indie musician / columnist EKee (Evita Wong) to my space ship, and let them chat about “Devil” … Want to hear? could go to PINKWORK™ Radio Art ...

 外星生命體pinkwork™粉紅貓繼續人類研究計劃 ~ 原始基督教「靈知派」第二部份,今次主題講「魔鬼」。被我綁架回來做研究的人類包括上次已「研究」過一次的舞台劇編劇、創作總監及聖經研究人Zeke Li,另外亦有平日愛寫變態、血腥、暴力小說的獨立音樂人E記伊維特﹞ .... 可到PINKWORK™ Radio Art收聽 ... 

>  http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/1069 

EKEE:「關於我經常被外星生命體粉紅貓綁架的事,我諗我唔會同飛碟會的阿Moon報告,因為 …」



Regen.C 張惠雅 's debut solo EP album, a pinkwork™ Video with a curious CAT 八卦貓一隻

Regen Cheung, member of hk girl dance group HotCha came back this year after a 2-year Holiday in Australia. To resume her music career, she finished starring in a TV series and release 2 songs. Not only that, her debut SOLO album "Awakening" will also be OUT this month ... Detailed story in pinkwork™ city mobile mini ...

香港跳唱組合HotCha的成員張惠雅,經過兩年澳洲工作假期後,今年正式回歸。除了參演電視劇《貓屎媽媽》之外,亦先後推出了《GET BACK》及《莞爾》兩首新歌。不單些這樣,Regen的首張個人EP專輯《Awakening》亦會於今個月底推出 ... 詳細內容可到手機迷你版pinkwork™ city看/聽 ...


路過的Regen與同門師弟Ivan Lee李安豪 ...

Regen, Do U believe Aliens exist?


聖經古卷發現「輪迴」及隱藏的女神名!/ 有耳非文 x 夢妮妲 x Zeke Li ~ [PINKWORK™ Radio Art : Gnosticism, Early Christian Reincarnation]

As an Extraterrestrial life form, pinkcat@pinkwork™ city is so curious about humans and this physical world. This time my interest turns to Gnosticism, an early form of Christianity which still has the doctrine of reincarnation, karma, mediation ...etc.

Three "abducted" humans (for my research) are Dreamonita (celebrity dream interpreter / columnist), Arumimi Hifumi (director of Performing Arts@Skyhigh) & Zeke Li (theater creative director / gnostic believer) . Zeke just produced the very first gnostic theater drama "The Gnostic Eden" in Hong Kong last year.

WANT to hear them chatting more about this maybe the oldest or "original" form of Christianity, could go to PINKWORK™ Radio Art ...

喵 ~ 外星pinkwork™粉紅貓今次人類研究題目,就是早期的基督教~ Gnosticism諾斯底或稱靈知派,仍有輪迴因果打座默觀等概念的 ...

三個人類被我「綁架」回來做研究,分別是有耳非文﹝「天比高創作伙伴」的表演系總監﹞、夢妮妲dreamonita﹝星級解夢師及專欄作家﹞、Zeke Li﹝舞台劇《依甸禁章》編劇、創作總監及靈知派信徒﹞... 想聽聽他們講講這可能是最原始或「正宗 」的基督教,可到 ...

PINKWORK™ Radio Art ~ pinkwork.com/radio/archives/1030

*YouTube Abstract 撮要版本 Version


pop idols DET狄易達 & Rainky蔚雨芯 during theater rehearsal 舞台劇綵排中, a pinkwork™ video

… sneaked into a theater company ‘s studio while hk pop singer, model cum dancer DET Dik & Rainky Wai doing their rehearsal and snapped this funny short video. … want to sEE/hEAR them talking more about their latest theater drama “Upcycle Me!” which will open this month,go to pinkwork™ city mobile mini.

蔚雨芯狄易達正綵排楊詩敏﹝蝦頭)﹞自編自導自演的舞台劇《Upcycle Me!》…想聽聽兩位講這套今個月上演的舞台劇及綵排時發生的難忘事,可到手機迷你版pinkwork™虛擬城市。

~~> pinkmessage.com/city/archives/2803

Do we believe Aliens exist 信不信外星人存在 ?


singer-song-writer J. Arie 's debut EP album《Soliloquy》雷琛瑜的處女EP專輯 / pinkwork™ city

Though she gave up Law profession to become a pop singer, her determination paid off. J. Arie 's debut album 《Soliloquy》is finally OUT this month 關於雷琛瑜的處女EP專輯. Want  to hEAR/sEE her talking about the details, go to pinkwork™ city mobile mini 手機迷你版 

http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/2785 .


Uncover the Jewish mysticism Kabbalah 古猶太神秘學~卡巴拉![PINKWORK™ Radio Art]

hk celebrity dream interpreter/spiritual healer/columnist ~ DREAMONITA is chatting with Sean Coxall  from Kabbalah Center Hong Kong & HK renowned illustrator Lio Beardsley about this ancient Human wisdom. 

Sean is one of the directors of a global trading company, and in charge of many international fashion brands who is not only a Kabbalah follower, but also voluntarily helps and sponsors Kabbalah events in HK. 

Beardsely has worked for Anna Sui and many big brands, such as Levi, Maybelline, Vidal Sassoon, addias … etc. She has learn Kabbalah by herself since several years ago

Want to hEAR these spiritual Humans talking more about this celebrity-friendly spiritual practice (yes, Madonna, Demi Moore, and many other pop stars are Kabbalah followers), go to PINKWORK™ Radio Art

近年當娜及一眾荷里活名人/明星都公開承認是古猶太神秘學~Kabbalah信徒,有人說這是精英人類的宗教、甚至是「魔法」一種。好奇八卦的外星生命體pinkwork™粉紅貓自然也想多多了解一下這種古人類文明。怎了解?當然不是隨便上網搜尋資料便算,我直接聯絡了Kabbalah中心﹝之前從未接觸過他們的,本地亦沒有Kabbalah會址﹞,竟然收到Mr. Sean Coxall回覆。Sean已研習Kabbalah多年,亦是本地Kabbalah活動籌劃及贊助人。他正職是環球貿易公司「利豐」的Directors之一,主管多個國際時裝品牌,經常不在香港,難得願意抽時間滿足我的好奇。

我「指派」了人類朋友~星級解夢師Dreamonita夢妮妲跟Sean對談/訪問,亦準備了一些比較淺白的問題。訪問一個人還未夠深入,同時找來Anna Sui御用插畫師Lio Beardsley

夢妮妲傾傾天,因為她一向有買書自學Kabbalah,亦有兩次與「天使」接觸的經驗。想聽聽這幾位靈性人類的Kabbalah對談內容,可到下面的PINKWORK™ Radio Art連結。

FULL Story ~ http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/933

an interview with ME (a.k.a. pinkwork™ entity) Lio Beardsley by Milk Magazine (issue 638, p50~51) 一篇雜誌訪問 about Kabbalah.

▲ Dreamonita x Lio Beardsley (in Cantonese)

▲ Dreamonita x Sean Coxall (in English)


Alien captured on VIDEO ! Eason Chan 陳奕迅《The Key》專輯封面外星人「真身」 / pinkwork video 短片

human Prodip gave this Alien Figure to me few years ago. Surprisingly I saw its image again recently, on cover of hk pop star Eason Chan 's latest album "The Key", so I snapped a video of "it" using my phone yesterday . Prodip is a members of hk legendary hip hop group LMF cum designer. And this figure was designed by him and world renowned artist Michael Lau, based on or inspired by a real Alien abduction case (The Pascagoula Abduction Incident, 1973) ... 

這隻「外星人」figure是LMF的阿庭幾年前送給我的,他說是參照外國一個真實的「人類被外星人綁架」個案而設計的。最近竟然又給我看見「牠」在陳奕迅最新專輯《The Key》的封面出現,自然要拿牠出來拍攝無聊短片。也是那句,雖然大家也是外星生命體,但跟牠其實不太熟 ... 喵 ~ http://pinkwork.com/radio

also shot some video of "human" last week, including  Jerôme & Antoine from Belgian artists collective ~ Hell'O Monsters at agnès b.'s LIBRAIRIE GALERIE HK.They are holding their 「Modern Ghosts 3」exhibition there .

Jerôme and Antoine @ Hell'O Monsters, do We believe Aliens exist ? a PINKWORK Art Concept ~~> http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/492


E記2013新搞作 a pinkwork™ video小短片 of HK indie musician EKee

MEOW… just shot a talented Human, an indie musician and book author in HK ~ EKee (Evita Wong). Her two new books are just out, one is a novel inspired by cold blood serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer … want to sEE/hEAR EKee talking more about her latest creations, could go to pinkwork city mobile mini …

 喵,又跟人類E記見面。她剛在書展推出兩本新書《伊維特宿命故事集III》及《靈魂交換》,前者部份靈感來自美國連環殺手Jeffrey Dahmer,後者就是同王貽興合著。想聽/看E記親自講講自己的新作及未來大計,可到手機迷你版pinkwork™虛擬城市



Miki Yeung 楊愛瑾 2013 pinkwork™ Video ... I will return to music !

hk model cum actress, former member of pop girl group Cookies, Miki Yeung just signed with a new agent and will release her new book “mikitopia” and song “綿羊” soon … want to sEE/hEAR Miki talking more about her new works, could go to pinkwork city mobile mini …

楊愛瑾剛簽了新公司,將會推出新書《mikitopia》及單曲《綿羊》 … 想聽/看Miki講講自己的新搞作,可下面的pinkwork™手機迷你版城市  …


Miki, "Do I believe Aliens exist?"


a Sudden Visit of YELLOW! ‘s band room / pinkwork™ 粉紅貓突闖「野佬」樂團BAND房..無聊短片

MEOW, a short video I shot last Friday night … Chris and other members of YELLOW! working on their new song, so whipped out my phone and snapped this extremely “nonsense” video

喵,我﹝pinkwork™粉紅貓﹞ 前天去他們BAND房,剛巧何兆基和其他成員正在構思他們下一首新歌,便隨便拍下了下面的「極無聊小短片

details ~~>  http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/2690 



有耳非文 x Twins Kitchen 孖人廚房 : 外星生物綁架人類系列~事前短片 / PINKWORK™ Radio Art / Alien Abduction of Creative Humans

Twins Kitchen  ( Joshua & Caleb, these talented twin brothers are founders of the much-hyped private kitchen in HK “Twins Kitchen“, columnists and TV Hosts) .

Arumimi Hifumi  ( an award-winning stage artist, indie musician, now is the director of performing arts @ Skyhigh Creative Partners ). Want to sEE/hEAR these three Humans talking more about their creative businesses/careers, could go to PINKWORK™ Radio Art ...

孖人廚房這兩兄弟是人氣私房菜「孖人廚房」創辦人、多本雜誌的飲食專欄作家電視飲食節目主持 有耳非文是日本、台灣混血兒,19歲隻身來香港演藝學院修讀「舞台科藝」學士。畢業後參與舞台演出外,亦推出獨立唱片,2001年奪「叱吒」頒獎典禮──組合銅獎,07年奪「叱吒」十大,亦曾是903電台DJ,現為「天比高創作伙伴」表演藝術部門總監。想聽/看這三位人類對談關於藝術創業的心得,可到PINKWORK™ Radio Art



Abstract YouTube version 撮要版本

Alien Abduction Video extra 外星綁架片段

 * 1 more video of Twins Kitchen shot a few months ago


Shiga Lin 連詩雅 成為日本《月刊NEO》攝影集女主角, a PINKWORK™ Video of Creative Human

hk model cum actress cum singer Shiga Lin just finished a “photo album” project with Japan renowned photography magazine “月刊NEO“. Each issue they would found an interesting people to be the theme, usually are those Japanese pop stars or celebrities. Shiga feels very honored and excited to be chosen as their “theme” person… want to sEE/hEAR Shiga and her photographer Jimmy Ming Shumtalking more about their shooting experience and photo style, could go to pinkwork city mobile mini

日本的《月刊NEO》每期都會找一位人物做主題,推出寫真集,通常是日本的一些明星及名人。所以今次香港歌手/演員Shiga 連詩雅獲《月刊NEO》選中做主角,她當然亢奮到不得了… 想聽/看Shiga及攝影師Jimmy Ming Shum,講講他們在日本拍攝的經驗及相片的風格,可到我的pinkwork™ 城市 ( 手機迷你版 ) …

Wardrobe & Location: agnes b. hk


Do I believe Aliens 外星生命 exist ?


火火 搞舞台劇辛酸史..勁蝕的《大世界》a pinkwork™ video of theater director Fire Lee & Otto

MEOW … a video I just shot yesterday, about two interesting Humans. Film/theater director Fire Lee Ka Wing and Otto Wong, who is a renowned choreographer cum member of hk pop dance group EO2 formed “61 production” in 2005. Since then they've produced several very successful theater dramas ... Want to sEE/hEAR them talking more about their bad and good experience on producing self-financed theater plays, could go to pinkwork city mobile mini ..

電影及舞台劇導演火火和跳舞組合Otto在05年組成「61制作」,目的就是要製作他們自己喜歡的舞台劇,而且堅持不拿政府資助,全部自資。雖然頭炮製作很成功,不過並不是就此一帆風順。09年的《大世界》,就令他們嘗到台上演員的數目,比台下的觀眾還要多的慘痛經歷。想看/聽他們講講自己同時身為演員、導演及投資者的舞台經驗,可到手機迷你版pinkwork 虛擬城市 ...


火火 Fire Lee, Do I believe Aliens exist?
信不信外星人存在?  a PINKWORK Video

hk girl group 女子組合As One ‘s debut EP album 出處女專輯前..心情。

As One is a HK dance group comprised of 4 girls namely Elfa, Shin, Nata & Oli. They are all students of Sunny Wong (hk pop star Aaron Kwok ‘s choreographer). After nearly a year of intensive training, they’ve already released three songs and their self-titled debut EP album will be OUT next month … want to sEE/hEAR them talking more about their feelings, dance and music style, could now go to pinkwork™ city

香港女子跳唱組合As One經過星級排舞師Sunny Wong近一年的密集訓練之後,已先後推出了三首跳舞歌,分別是《catch me up》、《Red Hot Hits 2013》及《4ever》。另外,她們的處女同名EP專輯Box Set《AsOnE》亦將在下月面世 …想聽/看她們講講目前的心情及新碟的內容﹝聲音、相片及視頻﹞,可到pinkwork™虛擬城市 …


OR mobile mini 手機迷你版 city

AsOne, do we believe Aliens exist ? 我們信不信外星人存在?
a PINKWORK Video 小短片 ...


J. Arie 雷琛瑜, a LAW graduate turned singer-songwriter 法律系畢業生當唱作歌手 / pinkwork shortnews

J.Arie Lui is a HKU LAW graduate, but she chose to be a full time singer-songwriter, well, right after her graduation last year. Want to sEE/hEAR J.Arie talking more about her music style, preference and her first song on radio (sound, photo & video), could now go to pinkwork™ city

剛剛上年在香港大學法律系罼業的雷琛瑜,有律師不做,決心做一個唱作歌手。 想聽/看她親自講講自己的音樂理念、喜好及第一首派台歌《第一志願》﹝聲音、相片及視頻﹞,可到pinkwork™虛擬城市 …


OR mobile mini 手機迷你版

J.Arie, do U believe Aliens exist ?


[ new age channeling:夢妮妲 x Chris@壞碑唇 ] ~ Sleeping Prophet 睡夢先知 Edgar Cayce / PINKWORK™ Radio Art

Extraterrestrial life ~ pinkwork™ entity heard that more and more Humans, especially those so-called hipsters in this material planet talking about or even named themselves “new age” people in recent years ... so I “assigned” my human friend dreamonita (a celebrity dream interpreter / tarot card reader / columnist in HK) to chat with other human guests about different “new age” thinkings .. Again, that’s for my “human” research purpose only.  

 In this episode, dreamonita and Chris are chatting about some world renowned celebrity psychics, such as Edgar Cayce (nicknamed Sleeping Prophet), Chuck Spezzano (who successfully predicted Japan 311 earthquake) … etc. 

外星生命體pinkwork™粉紅貓近年常常聽聞這個物質星球的人類,特別是那些所謂的「型人」談及New Age思想,甚至自稱為New Age人 ... 所以我特別「指派」了人類朋友夢妮妲﹝解夢師、塔羅占卜師、專欄作家﹞,跟一些人類嘉賓談談不同的New Age思想 … 當然,這又是我人類研究計劃的一部份。

今次夢妮妲「野仔」及「壞碑唇」樂隊的何兆基介紹一些有名的「大師」級人物,包括有「睡夢先知」稱號的Edgar Cayce,及成功預測了日本311地震Chuck Spezzano等等 ...

FULL story audio ~~>  pinkwork.com/radio/archives/749 

Abstract YouTube version 撮要版本

Video before Recording 錄音前小短片



visited the new agnes b. ‘s LIBRAIRIE GALERIE & met a French 到訪新「b仔」藝術廊

MEOW~ just visited the new agnes b. ‘s LIBRAIRIE GALERIE (it moved from Star Street to 118 Hollywood Road, Central) and came across this French human / artist ~ Abdelkader Benchamma who was busy preparing for his mixed media exhibition “The Invention of the Cave“. He insists doing all his artworks on the site. Of course I took this chance to snap some photos of him and also my “Do you believe Aliens exist?” video series …

 路經agnes b的新藝術廊﹝由灣仔星街,搬了去中環荷里活道118號﹞,碰見這位法國人類/藝術家~ Abdelkader Benchamma,他正忙於繪畫一幅大壁畫,準備他在這裡的「洞穴」主題多媒體展覽。他堅持所有展覽品都要即場創作 … 而我當然順便跟他拍了這相片及我最喜歡的「信不信外星生命體存在?」系列短片 …


Do U believe Aliens exist?,
a PINKWORK Art concept 


Crystal@HotCha x Mo Lai 賴恩慈 [Alien Abduction of Creative Humans ] / PINKWORK™ Radio Art ~ 外星生物綁架人類系列

Crystal@HotCha 張紋嘉 is a member of HK pop dance group HotCha Mo Lai Yan Chi is an outspoken HK stage artist cum film maker. These two humans were abducted by Extraterrestrial life ~ pinkcat@pinkwork™ city, and put in a “closed” space.  pinkcat let them chat with each other, listened to their conversations … and so get more understanding about this living form in this material world ... Below is some of its recorded human sound tracks …

外星生命體~pinkwork粉紅貓對人類充滿好奇,時不時會「綁架」一些有趣的人類,放他們在一個封閉的空間內,聽他們的對話,從中從中了解更多此物質星球的生命模式 … 以下便是牠放置一些人類對話錄音的地方 …今次便「捕捉」了香港跳唱組合Hotcha的Crytsal張紋嘉及 賴恩慈。她是「好戲量」劇團主席、第17屆IFVA比賽公開組金獎、2012年香港十大傑出青年、獨腳戲舞台劇《女兒紅》演員 ...

full story audio ~~>  pinkwork.com/radio/archives/733 

Crystal, do I believe Aliens exist? 我信不信外星人存在?

Mo Lai賴恩慈, do I believe Aliens exist? 我信不信外星人存在?


Winkie@HotCha x Lio Beardsley [Alien Abduction of Creative Humans ] / PINKWORK™ Radio Art ~ 外星生物綁架人類系列

Winkie@HotCha 黎美言 is a member of HK pop dance group HotCha Lio Beardsley is a HK based award-winning illustrator who has worked for Anna Sui and many other international brand. These two humans were abducted by Extraterrestrial life ~ pinkcat@pinkwork™ city, and put in a “closed” space.  pinkcat let them chat with each other, listened to their conversations … and so get more understanding about this living form in this material world ... Below is some of its recorded human sound tracks …

外星生命體~pinkwork粉紅貓對人類充滿好奇,時不時會「綁架」一些有趣的人類,放他們在一個封閉的空間內,聽他們的對話,從中了解更多此物質星球的生命模式 … 以下便是牠放置一些人類對話錄音的地方 …今次便「捕捉」了香港跳唱組合Hotcha的Winkie 黎美言及紐約時裝設計師Anna Sui的御用插畫師Lio Beardsley ...

full story audio ~~>  pinkwork.com/radio/archives/714 

Winkie, do I believe Aliens exist? 我信不信外星人存在?



日本漫畫女Japanese comic girl & HK Dojinshi Event founder, believe Aliens exist? PINKWORK Videos

HUMAN, do U believe Aliens
(Extraterrestrial life) exist
& they’re around you?
pinkcat@pinkwork™ city
is one of them?

a PINKWORK Art Concept


同人誌活動RG創辦人Chloe Lisa Kung

hk Dojinshi Event founder 

 Japanese comic artist / UFO witnesses ~ Kanatin




Karene Mak麥貝夷 x AMENPAPA福音潮牌創辦人..被外星人綁架 PINKWORK™ Radio Art ~ [藝術創業]

Extraterrestrial life ~ pinkcat@pinkwork™ city likes to abduct some interesting / creative Humans, put them in a “closed” space and let them chat with each other. It would listen to their conversations … and  so get more understanding about this living form in this material world. Below is some of its recorded sound tracks …

外星生命體~pinkwork粉紅貓喜歡「綁架」一些有趣的人類,將他們放在一個封閉的空間,然後讓他們對談/聊天。牠會聽他們的對話,從中了解更多此物質星球的生命模式 … 以下便是牠的一些對話錄音 …

FULL Story Audio ( > 30 mins) ~ http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/672  

Abducted Targets : 
Karene Mak 麥貝夷 
 ( pop singer, Christian )
Salina @ AMENPAPA  
( founder of a fashion brand that promotes Gospel messages )

Alien Abduction Video extra


human EKEE, do U believe Aliens exist 外星生命體存在? ... a PINKWORK Art Concept

captured human EKEE (hk indie musician/visual artist ~ Evita Wong) -- shot a "do u believe Aliens exist?" video -- target released - mission completed ! ...a PINKWORK Art Concept ~~> http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/492

 「捕獲」人類E記 EvitaWong﹞ - 拍攝「信不信外星人存在?」PINKWORK小短片 - 放走 - 任務完成 -  (* 喵,其實是前天約她到中環一ART GALLERY開會,趁空餘時間拍的... 無錯,見到任何人類我都不會放過 ... )...



Hanjin 陳奐仁 suffered "guitar playing jnjuries" 彈結他彈到受傷 during recording his NEW album 《矛盾》 / pinkwork shortnews

Hanjin Tan, an award-winning singer, songwriter cum music producer who was born and educated in Singapore, and is now based in Hong Kong. Want to sEE/hEAR him talking more about his new accostic album (including how he suffered “guitar playing injuries” during recording and a very detailed and technical explanation of each song), could go to my pinkwork city ...

陳奐仁的新專輯《矛盾》快面世,他表示當中有3首歌的譜是超高難度的,錄音時經常彈到抽筋,後來關節及背脊也受了傷。 喵 … 想聽/看看他講解這張新專輯﹝包括每首歌的歌詞意思、錄音技巧及對電影工作人員和另一音樂人莊冬昕的讚賞 …﹞,可到粉紅貓的pinkwork虛擬城市 ...

mobile mini 手機迷你版 pinkwork city

 ~  pinkwork.com/shortnews/hanjin.htm 

Hanjin, do U believe Aliens exist?
a PINKWORK Art Concept


hk pop duo Jason 鍾一憲 x Karene麥貝夷 ‘s new album / pinkwork shortnews

Jason and Karene made their names by posting their duet 's MV on Youtube in 2011 and got million hits. Their new album is just OUT last month.  Want to sEE/hEAR them talking more about this new album (their 3rd one), could go to pinkwork city.


mobile mini 手機迷你版


Jason and Karene, do U believe Aliens exist ?
a PINKWORK Art Concept