
Flower Remedies ❋ 花療 ▶ EKEE 伊維特 x 夢妮妲 x Hugo [ PINKWORK™ Radio Art ★ new age channeling 10 ]

外星生命體 ~ pinkwork™ extraterrestrial entity stop by planet Earth and do “abduction” again! This time the 3 “abducted” human targets, namely EKEE 伊維特 (singer, author, Psychic card reader, witch & former commercial radio 903DJ), Dreamonita 夢妮妲  (celebrity dream interpreter cum spiritual healer) & Hugo aka Fruit Rain (self-taught flower essence consultant, singer) were chatting about the topic Flower Remedies, not only the “classic” system found by Dr. Edward Bach 巴哈醫生 in 1934, but also ... 今次主題講花療﹝或花精治療﹞... FULL Story (>1 hr) in 


and a few more film photo 還有幾張莓林相片 of them ( EKEE 伊維持、夢妮妲 Dreamonita 及 Hugo Rain Fruit ) by my HOLGA Toy Camera ...


1 roll of 7-yr Expired film + ‪Pinhole‬ camera + ‪‎Xmas‬ Lights 過期菲林&針孔相機~影聖誕‬燈✶~ a pinkwork™ photography experiment

Just did a photography experiment yesterday. I used one roll of 7-yr Expired film (accidentally found in my book shelves) , a Pinhole‬ camera (bought from Holga official last week, cause they offered a 20% off discount, priced less than HK$200!) and some Christmas‬ Lights.

First time to use "pinhole camera" and I quite like it, though the exposure time usually take several minutes (I didn't use a light meter, simply by guess). For sure I'll use it to do more artistic creations in future.


sEE, photos by my pinhole camera and expired fuji 120 film



R.I.P. ‪Holga‬ toy camera & Latest HK official Shop Visit 香港相機Holga停產!&官方店臨別一遊✶a pinkwork™ Video

Heard that Holga (a Hong Kong toy or cult camera brand 香港玩具相機品牌) 's factory has ceased production. Immediately visited its last official shop 宇宙電子 官方店 in Mong Kong 旺角, Hong Kong yesterday, and also took out my modified Holga 120 to shoot some photo ...

The shopkeeper told me this shop will probably close in March next year (2016) cause her boss Holga's founder 創辦人Ting Mo Lee 李定武 has already more than 80 years old ... * remind you all again, it's Holga Analogue, not Holga Digital or Lomography will go ...

FULL Story

a photo shot by Holga using my modified 35mm film adapter back



"Frankenstein" & the ancient Jewish 231 Gates (of Creation) "Magic Ring" ~a pinkwork™ video explanation

Just came across the trailer of coming movie “Victor Frankenstein”  電影《科學怪人:創生之父》預告片~ a 2015 adaptation of the famous novel by Mary Shelley, it reminds me the ancient Jewish mysticism Kabbalah 古猶太神秘學卡巴拉 's "magic ring" ~ the 231 Gate of Creation 創造之門. How these two things are related 兩者有何關係? 

There are rumors saying this novel was actually inspired by the Jewish legends of Golem 魔像, an artificial semi-human made out of clay and brought to life by some kind of magic... And the trick/magic to enliven a clay figure are hidden 隱藏於 in ancient Jewish texts 古猶太經典 “Sefer Yetzirah” (The Book of Creation/Formation《 創造之書》).  HOW? just by pairing the 22 letters of Hebrew alphabet 希伯來文的廿二個字母 ... Check my detailed explanation in ... ✶~▷


✡ video explanation

✹ Mystical Symbols in MADONNA 's Tour

more in my (pinkwork entity 生命體's) new physical BOOK 實體新書 ~《New Age人神秘經驗檔案》, literally means “Files of New Age People’s Mystical Experiences“ in English
  http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/1287 .


新人歌手Cga池希 ~✶pinkwork™ video of a HK newcomer pop singer

pinkwork™外星生命體又「綁架人類研究」系列。今次目標是是舞蹈員/舞蹈老師,幾年前已簽約唱片公司,一直等到今年才有機會推出新歌《我會好的 I’ll be alright》、、《慈禧不是我》的2015年新人歌手Cga池希。

Extraterrestrial ~ pinkwork™ entity ‘s Human Abduction Video Series : Target ▶ Cga is a dancer and 2015 newcomer singer in HK. Though she’s signed to a record label several years ago, she has to wait until this year to release her two new songs ... FULL Story, simply click

> http://pinkmessage.com/city/archives/2974

✶ photos of Cga 池希 by my HOLGA plastic toy camera ..

Cga池希, Do I believe Aliens 外星生命 exist? 


「玩爆你個腎」的Kevin仔﹝KB﹞秘密練聲短片 pinkwork™ Abduction Video of a band drummer and YouTube prankster ➸ KidneyBuster 's Kevin Boy

pinkwork™外星生命體又「捉」了一個人類來研究✶,就是「整蠱」Youtube頻道 ~「玩爆你個腎」的Kevin仔﹝KB﹞。他亦是LMF、Hardpack、Kinglychee...等樂隊的鼓手 ~ 今次趁他為自己首個人個人show ‪《情義兩難全 玩爆你個Live》 ✩秘密練﹝開﹞聲時將來「綁架」 ...

Extraterrestrial ~ pinkwork™ entity 's Human Abduction Video Series : Target ▶ Kevin Boy is drummer of legendary Hong Kong underground hip-hop band LMF & also a YouTube prankster. On his hugely popular channel ‪#‎KidneyBuster‬, you could see "victims" include many pop artists / celebs in HK ... ENJOYs ... 喵。✹

FULL Story

Kevin Boy (KB) "Do I believe Aliens exist? pinkwork™ entity is one of Them?"

Secret symbols in MADONNA 's Tour 
 ✹ pinkwork™ Explanation Video


2015 Alien abduction of Christian/HK pop singer Cathy Leung Yu Yan 梁雨恩 by pinkwork

Extraterrestrial ~ pinkwork™ entity 外星生命體 likes to abduct humans with creative or quirky mind to "study" whenever stopping by this material planet, including artists, indie musicians, writers, singers ... and the likes. 路過地球便會「活捉」一些有趣的人類來研究。

This time its (my) target is HK pop singer / Christian 香港基督徒/歌手 Cathy Leung Yu Yan 梁雨恩. Cathy ‘s just released her second album 《情旅。侶程》, nearly eight years after her debut album 處女唱片《Under The Sun》in 2007. To know more about the abduction story, simply click  

> pinkwork.com/radio/archives/1319

photo, video and interview by pinkwork™ / wardrobe : AMENPAPA

pinkwork™ Time Travel Video
Cathy in 2007 梁雨恩出首張唱片時

Cathy, "Do I believe Aleins exist 信不信有外星人? 
pinkwork™ entity is one of them?"


Just added videos of 3 talented Humans 人頖 to pinkwork™ Time Travel series 逆向時光旅行短片系列

Just added videos of 3 talented humans to my Time Travel series 「回到他們仍是新人時...」短片系列. They are Jazz/Audiophile singer 爵士及Hi-Fi發燒碟歌手 Bianca Wu 胡琳, 歌莉雅 Gloria﹝who was a member of Indie group 從前是獨立音樂組合 Goodmorningloria 成員之一﹞ and pop singer 香港流行歌手 Cathy Leung Yu Yan 梁雨恩. Some of these video were shot nearly 10 years ago ...

As you might knew this video series is just a part of pinkwork™ entity 's "humans research 人類研究"project. Other interesting humans being captured in this series 系列內還有 include Asia-renowned singer-song-writer Khalil Fong 方大同、HK pop star Pak Ho Chau 周柏豪, GEM Tang 鄧紫棋, Fiona Sit 薛凱琪 ... to name a few.

胡琳...仍是新人時小視頻★hk Jazz Singer Bianca Wu in 2006

梁雨恩...仍是新人時小視頻★Video of hk singer Cathy Leung Yu Yan in 2007

歌莉雅 Gloria~10年前小視頻✯★Video of a hk Audiophile singer


My (human incarnation's) new Book 我﹝人類化身﹞的新書!

my (human incarnation’s) new Book titled《New Age人神秘經驗檔案》, literally means “Files of New Age People’s Mystical Experiences” in English, is finally OUT, now available in book stores and HK Book Fair. Don’t be mistaken by its title, this book is actually NOT just about interview features with several “new age” humans who are sharing their near-death, contact with angels, spiritual trip to a “pink” heaven .. etc. mystical experiences. Inspired by these real stories, the author (I) also wrote many “extraterrestrial ” messages related to human species. And the last section of this book “pinkwork™  apocalypse“  has completely “evolved” into a novel about a fictional future human world (that’s my most loved part).  Apart from text, you could also found many comic illustrations related to “me” in my book.Hope U humans all enjoy……

 我﹝人類化身﹞的新書New Age人神秘經驗檔案》已出版了,在各書店及2015年香港書展有售。別以為這是一本記事式書籍,實際是一件關於「人類」的藝術創作。

 「作者」幻想他只是被一個名字叫pinkwork™﹝上標字TM除了是人類世界理解的TradeMark,亦代表傳心訊息Telepathic Material﹞的純意識生命體隨意選中,借助其肉身來發表一些文字訊息的人類「化身 /中介體」。


Details 書本詳細資料 > http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/1287 

*also some illustrations related to “pinkwork entity” in my book !



How to use Hebrew letters to create a Golem 古猶太「魔像」製法✩?

MEOW, ancient Jewish book "Sefer Yetzirah" (also named The Book of Creation) speaks of 231 gates through which the world was created. These gates are not so mysterious, just formed by pairing the 22 hebrew letters. There is a myth / legend / rumour ... that humans could use these gates to bring "life" to a clay body ~ the so called Golem. How? Scanning and reading (right to left, top down) these "gates" ~ that are letters inside the triangle (yeah, I've drawn these letter combination as a graphic chart ), you "might" be able to connect to the creative force of Hebrew letters.

My human friend ~ comic artist KiKi Wong told me she want to have a try, hoping to make Seaman (a sea sponge & comic character created by her) become a living Golem. Good luck, and look forward to her result ...

古猶太的《創造之書》提到希伯來文字母本身有創造能力,當初神聖創世,也是靠22個希伯來文字母以一雙雙配對,組成的231個組合﹝Gates﹞來完成。 又有傳說或神話,古時猶太拉比靠觀看+唸誦這231道「門」﹝3角型內的字母,次序右至左,上至下﹞,可令由泥土搓成的人型公仔,變成可活動,聽從主人吩 咐,好使好用的Golem﹝唔使電力的機械人﹞。

人類朋友~漫畫家KiKi Wong跟我說,她也要試試,想把她的漫晝人物「海人」,一團有手有腳的海綿﹝定係啫喱?﹞變成Golem。喵,等緊她的結果 ⋯⋯ 如果真係成功,肯定嚇死唔少人類●○。

[ message from extraterrestrial PINKWORK™ ~ http://pinkwork.com/radio ]


The Origin of CAT, a fictional legend 貓的起源傳說 (by PINKWORK)

 all rights (c) pinkwork , a PINKWORK™ extraterrestrial message

One afternoon on ancient earth 遠古地球一個正午, a beam of bright white light cut through the sky 天空一束強光. Humans on the plains around the pyramid all looked up, had no idea what happened. While they were still thinking, a kid screamed out, with his little hand pointing to the pyramid tip 金字塔尖. Then all people 's attention were drawn to the "capstone", where an unknown human-like shinning being 發光人形生命體 was standing. Took a closer look, there were several whiskers on its face 面有觸鬚. Its mouth was extraordinarily small, however, when opened and exposed its sharp long teeth, it looked oddly big and was making some very scary high-pitched scraping sound 發出刺耳高頻聲.

The humans did not know who this being was and what it wanted to do. Covered by bright light, it was hard to see its face clearly. Through their half-closed eyes, they could vaguely see it had two big eyes 大眼, both were showing some changing patterns 不停變化的圖案. No human knew what these patterns meant, but a prolonged gaze would had one's mind easily get hijacked 望久了,思想被控制.

The being did not say a word, but some humans said they received a telepathic message from it and shared with their companions. The message was about a warning that humans had better not looking at it directly 別直望牠. Whenever it got a bad mood 心情不好, its two big eyes would emit death rays in pink color 發出粉紅色死光, which could vaporize all physical substances it saw into nothing.

Humans on the ground were eagerly waiting for its next move, but it just kept standing. After a long time silence, suddenly a beam of white light went from the pyramid tip straight up into the sky. Then both the light and the unknown being all gone without a trace 消失. The curious human crowds were a bit disappointed. When they were about to disperse, they saw a little black cat 小黑貓 emerged from the pyramid top, running and jumping to the ground 跑跑跳跳下來. Once it touched the ground, it stopped and looked around, made a stretch 伸懶腰 and finally walked into the crowds.

The humans now suddenly remembered face of the shinning being they had just seen, was a bit like a cat's face. That little black cat was a gift it left behind for humans 給人類的禮物? or at the moment this 100% spiritual extraterrestrial 純能量外星生命體 traveled to this material planet, coincidentally 剛巧 there was a sleeping cat 在睡覺的小貓 on the pyramid tip. To make itself look more friendly, it decided to appear in a form that humans were more familiar with 以人類熟識的形象顯現? ... or cats were actually created by this being in its own image 依自己形象創造出來的?

Ancient humans had limited intelligence and simple minds. They'd never thought about these questions. But since then 從此, humans had worshiped CATS like GOD 把貓當作神來敬拜。


A Close Contact with the Dead Sea Scrolls《死海古卷》近距接觸!/ pinkwork™ entity

Just had a Close Contact (not only seeing digital images) with the Dead Sea Scrolls《死海古卷》近距接觸!... that are ancient manuscripts discovered around 1947~56 and estimated to be written more than 2000 years ago. These texts are mainly Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), for me, also clues of your ancestors' wisdom.

I need not visiting the Israel Museum, though it's easy for an Extraterrestrial Beings like me to do so. The Asia Society HK Center is hosting an "Archaeology of the Land of Israel in Roman Times" exhibition in HK 香港展覽. Some of the items on display are replicas, some are real and first time "come" to East Asia, including the "Gabriel Revelation Stone" often called the "stone scroll" ... 

~ http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/1265

Photo shooting is not allowed, except me, well, cause I'm non-human (anyway, THANK for their special arrangement).

★~ 2 Extra VIDEO about Egyptian Mythology (Gods and Goddesses Story) : Robot Talk PINKWORK. ~ FULL Audio  http://pinkwork.com/radio/archives/1534